RM Winter 2016 FLIP
Kittle, P. (2003). Reading practices as revision strategies: The gossipy reading model. The Quarterly , 23(3), 32-37.
will help me assess and better understand my students. I can then take that information and build lessons and units to address problem areas and include things that students enjoy as well. I propose further research be done to determine how attitudes impact student learning. Further research should also be done on how attitudes change through a series of lessons. Interviews may be needed to fully understand how the students’ thinking changed about revising and editing their writing. Implications Today many elementary students are very comfortable with technology. They are eager to learn new technological skills and absorb the new information easily. They were born with technology surrounding them and are excited to learn new ways to use it. However, many teachers lack access to technology (Howley, Wood, & Hough, 2011; Purcell, Heaps, Buchanan, & Friedrich, 2013). Small devices such as iPads and digital cameras are seldom found in elementary classrooms even though they can be excellent learning tools for students. Helping teachers get the tools they need should be a priority for those making funding decisions. Many students enjoy using technology; students who are struggling or reluctant are no exception. Struggling and reluctant learners are sometimes given basic rote memorization tasks or more simplistic work to help them be successful in individual work. Students who are always doing rote memorization to catch up are often disengaged and uninterested in learning leading them to slip further behind. While basic skills are essential for these students to grow and continue to grow as learners, we must use engaging tasks to challenge and meet the needs of struggling and reluctant writers. References Bogard, J.M., & McMackin. M.C. (2012). Combining traditional and new literacies in a 21st-century writing workshop. The Reading Teacher , 65(5), 313-323. doi:10.1002/TRTR.01048 Graham, S., & Sandmel, K. (2011). The process writing approach: A meta-analysis. The Journal of Educational Research , 104, 396-407. doi:10.1080/00220671.2010.4 88703
Purcell, K., Heaps, A., Buchanan, J., & Friedrich, L. (2013). How teachers are using technology at home and in their classrooms. Washington, DC: Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Project . Simkins, M., Cole, K., Tavalin, F., & Means, B. (2002). Increasing student learning through multimedia projects . Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision & Curriculum Development.
Reading Matters Research Matters
Sylvester, R. & Greenidge, W.L. (2009). Digital storytelling: Extending the potential for struggling writers. The Reading Teacher , 63(4), 284-295.
Tobin, M. T. (2012). Digital storytelling: Reinventing literature circles. Voices from the Middle , 20(2), 40-48.
Troia, G. A., Lin, S., Cohen, S., & Monroe, B. W. (2011). A year in the writing workshop. Elementary School Journal , 112(1), 155-182. Wright, V. H., &Wilson, E. K. (2011). Teachers’use of technology: Lessons learned from the teacher education program to the classroom. SRATE Journal , 20(2), 48-60. Monica Gatti ( mjgatti1@gmail.com ) recently completed her Masters’ degree in Elementary Education at Western Carolina University where she focused her research on how to engage reluctant writers. She is passionate about continuing to research how to engage students in learning to foster their development as life-long learners. Kelly N. Tracy ( kntracy@wcu.edu ) is an assistant professor of literacy at Western Carolina University in Cullowhee, NC where she lives with her husband and two daughters, Ella and Madelyn. Kelly’s research interests include writing pedagogy and writing professional development.
Hartley, J., & McWilliam, K. (Eds.). (2009). Story circle: Digital storytelling around the world . West Sussex, U.K.: Wiley- Blackwell Publishing.
Hicks, T. (2013). Crafting digital writing: Composing texts across media and genres . Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.
Howley, A., Wood, L., & Hough, B. (2011). Rural elementary school teachers’ technology integration. Journal of Research in Rural Education , 26(9). Retrieved from http://jrre.vmhost.psu.edu/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/26-9.pdf .
Kear, D. J., Coffman, G. A., & McKenna, M. C., Ambrosio, A.L. (2000). Measuring attitude toward writing: A new tool for teachers. Reading Teacher , 54(1), 10-23.
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