PERU SHCCG Field Guide
RELIGIOUS BELIEFS We are so excited to be here in __________. One of the things we are here to learn more about are the different types of beliefs here. In America, there are many ideas about faith and God. It seems it’s that way here as well. Can I ask you a few questions about this so we can better understand? 1) What are your spiritual beliefs ? (Listen and acknowledge only, then continue) >>>>> Do you go to church anywhere? >>>>> What type of church is it? >>>>> Do they use the Bible? >>>>> Do they use the Old Testament, the New Testament or both? When you feel like you have built a good connection, advance the conversation into a non confrontational discussion on their religious beliefs using key questions below. As you listen to their answers, simply shake your head and acknowledge that you are hearing them. Avoid the temptation to address their beliefs as they are sharing. 3) What do you believe happens when you die ? (If heaven/hell comes up - What determines if you go to heaven or hell?) 4) If something happened and you didn’t wake up tomorrow, where would you be ? Why do you say that?( Listen and acknowledge only) SHARE THE GOSPEL Share! Take your time and make sure you are telling it in a way that would make sense. For example, if you leave out a discussion on SIN and that we all sin then the other concepts you share wouldn’t connect. Thank you for sharing your beliefs with me. Would you mind if I shared with you some of the things we believe? Pull a sharing tool out of your tool belt and share one or more (as the Holy Spirit leads) 1) Your personal testimony of salvation 2) The Cube 3) A story about getting through a death or being healed 2) To you, who is Jesus? (Listen and acknowledge only)
4) Your Life Verse 5) Object Lesson 6) The 3 Circles
BEFORE YOU LEAVE: Give them the chance to pray to receive the Lord. You may ask, “Is there anything that you heard that surprises you or that you may have a question about?” Pray with them about other concerns like health or jobs. Leave a Bible (if one is available) and mark your favorite Scripture in it for them! 45
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