PERU SHCCG Field Guide
FAMILY Are you originally from here in the ______area? If no, where are you from originally? How long have you been here? What brought you here? Where did you live before? Are you married? How long? How many children do you have? How old are they? Do you have other family members that live nearby? Are you able to see them often? Greet the person/people you are speaking with quickly and warmly. Share your name and shake hands . Speak to them on their level . If they are seated, sit in the dirt. If standing, stand. Don’t wear your sunglasses. Smile and act natural, not afraid! UPON ENCOUNTERING THE PERSON YOU WISH TO SPEAK TO: Connecting relationally is VITAL to building TRUST and rapport with the national. Unlike our culture in the United States, most people in developing countries are far less pressed for time and value connection and communication over completing one task after another. Talking to people doesn’t have to be scary. Just remember the acronym FORR (Family, Occupation, Recreation and Religious Beliefs). KEY POINT: The questions below are meant to be a guide. This shouldn’t feel like a one-sided interrogation. Let them speak and then share something about yourself. Continue that back and forth until you are ready to move into the Religious Beliefs section.
What do you do for work? What does your husband/wife do for work? How long has it been since you worked? Is it hard to find work here? What’s the hardest part about your job? What do you like best about it?
Do you have any hobbies? What do you enjoy doing to relax?
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