Oak Hill Academy Policy Manual

ACADEMIC BUILDING POLICIES We expect students to arrive at school each day ready to learn. We strive to instill in each member of the learning community a business-like approach to school work. The learning environment is compromised when one or more students disrupt the atmosphere in the school building. The following policies are designed to create the best environment for all. General Statements • In order to maintain the productive, distinctive learning environment Oak Hill Academy is known for, all members of our community, including students, teachers, and administrators are expected to demonstrate professionalism and kindness toward one another at all times. • Students are to perform to the best of their ability on all work assigned. Homework is to be completed and handed in on time. • Students are expected to spend the entire class period in the assigned class. Personal needs must be attended to before class. Trips to get water or go to the restroom are not permitted during class time unless it is an emergency. Students may not return to the dorm during the academic day unless the Principal authorizes it. Students may not receive or make telephone calls during the academic day without permission from the Principal. • Students are to come prepared for class by having books, pencils, paper, and any other materials required by the teacher. • While students are expected to possess a working laptop computer, access to and use of that computer during the class day is authorized only by classroom teachers as required for study. Access to recreational electronics in the academic building is prohibited. • Snacks are prohibited during the class day, however students are permitted to carry an OHA issued drink bottle filled with water. • Public displays of affection are not permitted in the academic building as outlined on pages 29-30. • Class absences are prohibited without permission from the Principal. • Students taking mathematics are required to have a graphing calculator. TI-84+ models can be purchased at the Academy’s Campus Store. Grading System Grades are determined from assessment and participation criteria and are as follows: A 90-100 B 80-89 C 70-79 D 60-69 F 59 or below


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