Oak Hill Academy Policy Manual 2024-2025
Oak Hill Academy Student Honor Code Honoris Causa – Veneratio – Equitas For the Sake of Honor – Respect – Justice
Purpose and Objectives As Oak Hill Academy seeks to provide a challenging and structured academic environment, it is necessary that standards of ethics and academic integrity be followed by all students, and enforced by all faculty members. Also, the Oak Hill Community is made up of a socially diverse student body. It is therefore necessary that a standard of ethics, honesty, fairness, and respect be maintained. It is the purpose of the Oak Hill Academy Student Honor Code to outline these standards and inspire a commitment to the principles outlined in this document so that the Oak Hill mission will be fulfilled in a community based on trust, security and mutual respect. Academic Honor Code: Complete all assignments in an honorable manner. Section I. Cheating on homework, tests and other written assignments In strict accordance with the academic standards set forward by the Administration of Oak Hill Academy, cheating of any nature will not be accepted. This includes but is not limited to turning in any work that is not the result of the student’s own efforts, using any unauthorized materials to complete tests or quizzes, or the sharing of information during tests or quizzes. Section II. Plagiarism and written work that is improperly credited It is a basic principle of the Honor Code that all work presented for credit will reflect the student’s own efforts and mastery of the material. Any sources used should, therefore, be properly credited as set forth by classroom instruction. All information used to complete research papers, essays and other similar written assignments should be free of any copying, liberal paraphrasing or any other methods that constitute plagiarism. Section III. Classroom discussion and participation Given Oak Hill’s diverse student population and challenging academic environment, it is essential that all classroom discussion be productive and valued. Respect must be shown to all fellow students’ viewpoints and contributions, and ridicule or belittling of any nature will not be tolerated. Section IV. Lying All students are expected to follow a code of honesty that will foster trust and the formation of an ethical framework for our society here on campus. Lying will not be tolerated. Lying is grounds for an appearance before the Honor Court. Lying to the court will be taken very seriously. Perjured testimony in the face of other evidence will constitute lying. Any other mistruth or misleading information will be viewed as lying.
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