Oak Hill Academy Policy Manual 2024-2025

§ Displaying sexually suggestive objects or pictures. o Hazing – Hazing is a violation of the laws of the State of Virginia. Any types of physical punishment, humiliation or intimidation including sexual harassment or verbal harassment are designated as hazing and are not permitted. Cyber-bullying is considered a form of hazing. o Reporting: § Person offended tells offender to stop. § Report offense to adult/refer to administration. § Submit harassment complaint form/all referred to administration. § Complaint investigated. § Meeting with complainant/investigation results. § Contact parents by phone and letter to inform of investigation results. Bullying Bullying is unwanted, aggressive behavior that involves a real or perceived power imbalance. The behavior is repeated, or has the potential to be repeated, over time. Bullying includes actions such as making threats, spreading rumors, attacking someone physically or verbally, and excluding someone from a group on purpose. Types of bullying include verbal bullying (such as teasing, name-calling, taunting, threatening), social bullying (such as spreading rumors, public embarrassment), and physical bullying. Oak Hill Academy is committed to creating an environment where bullying is not tolerated, and where students, employees, and guests are able to live and operate together with mutual respect. Those found guilty of bullying will be subject to disciplinary action, such as work detail, detention, or campusing, and may be subject to expulsion. The administration reserves the right to determine appropriate discipline according to the nature and circumstances of the bullying.


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