Oak Hill Academy Policy Manual 2024-2025
• Church Dress may be worn ONLY to church and special events. • OHA Sunday Chapel Dress is the standard Sunday Church Dress. • Seasonal Church Dress:
o From August until October Fall Open Weekend, male students WILL NOT wear the school-issued blazer. And female students WILL NOT wear the school-issued blue sweater. o After October Fall Open Weekend until Spring Break, male students WILL WEAR the school-issued blazer. And female students WILL WEAR the school issued blue sweater. o After Spring Break until the End of School, male students WILL NOT wear the school-issued blazer. And female students WILL NOT wear the school-issued blue sweater. o Students may be required to wear a blazer or sweater for Special Events during these times. Formal/Semi-Formal Dress • Formal or semi-formal dress is required at the Winter Dance and Spring Formal. • Male students may choose to wear Sunday Church Dress or a suit or sport coat and trousers of their own. A belt, tie, dress socks and shoes are required. All attire must be approved by the Dean of Boys. • Female students may choose to wear Sunday Church Dress, a formal or semi-formal dress, or a pre-approved pantsuit. All formal/semi-formal dress must be approved by the Dean of Girls. • Semi-formal and formal gowns may not be backless, strapless, made of thin material, low-cut and slits can be no higher than the mid-thigh. No exceptions will be allowed. We recommend parents seek approval prior to purchase. All dresses must be approved by the Dean of Girls. School Sports Dress • Students must wear an Oak Hill tee shirt, sweatshirt, hoodie or school shirt, Oak Hill- issued school khaki pants, skorts, or shorts and tennis shoes or school shoes. • Oak Hill jackets and outerwear may be worn when appropriate, but students must wear an Oak Hill shirt or tee shirt under the Oak Hill outer garment. • All attire is subject to approval by the Administration. Social Dress • Students may wear jeans, tee shirts, sweat clothes, warm-ups, shorts or skorts, tennis shoes and sandals. • No clothing may depict drugs, alcohol, tobacco, or anything deemed objectionable by the Administration of the school (e.g., racial, sexual, or gender-demeaning images or language). • Students must wear shirts with sleeves at all times outside their dorm rooms. This includes in the gym during social time and in mixed company.
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