Oak Hill Academy Policy Manual 2024-2025
General In keeping with the principles and traditions of the school, Oak Hill Academy dress and appearance standards are modest, and are designed to promote a positive, appropriate environment for the school community. Students are expected to keep their person and clothing clean and neat. Any dress or appearance that is considered distractive, disruptive in appearance, or detrimental to the school will not be permitted. The Administration has the right to determine if attire or appearance is inappropriate for the school standards and will determine consequences for infractions. School Dress School dress will consist of only school-designated items issued through the Uniform Office and approved as school uniform dress. Such items will be required at most school functions and trips off campus. The Administration reserves the right to determine what is appropriate school dress. • Any exchange of uniform items must be completed through the Uniform Office. Students may not exchange uniform items among themselves. • Parents may authorize the purchase of additional school dress items by contacting the Business Office. • No writing is permitted on the school uniform or shoes. Book bags may have the student’s name for identification purposes. • School-issued shirts must be neatly tucked in at the waist. • Only solid-colored, short-sleeved tee shirts may be worn underneath school shirts. • All pants must be buttoned at the waist and worn with a school-issued belt or personal black or brown belt. • School-issued pants that are not worn at the waist will be exchanged for proper fit. • All pants must be hemmed. Clothing is not to be cut, altered or hemmed except by school personnel. Students removing hems will be in violation of the dress code and have their allowance charged for the repair. • All skorts must be worn at the waist and must not be rolled or altered in any way. • Students must wear school-issued shoes. • Solid-colored tights may be worn with skorts. They must be without runs and holes. • Lost or damaged uniform items will be replaced at the student’s expense. • All students must carry only school/team-issued OHA book bags and school-issued OHA athletic bags during the school day. Sunday Church Dress • Sunday Church Dress for males is school-issued blue blazer, oxford shirt, OHA tie, grey trousers, belt, shoes and personal socks. • Sunday Church Dress for females is school-issued blue sweater, oxford shirt, plaid skirt, criss-cross tie, shoes and personal socks or blue or black tights.
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