Winter Commencement 2022


%ULDQ 7UDFH\ LV ([HFXWLYH 'LUHFWRU RI WKH %OXH¿HOG $UWV DQG 5HYLWDOL]DWLRQ &RUSRUDWLRQ D QRQ SUR¿W RUJDQL]DWLRQ WKDW XVHV WKH DUWV WR FUHDWH opportunities for education, employment, and entertainment indowntown %OXH¿HOG :9 Previously, Mr. Tracey was an executive at Bank of America, leading the company’s community development lending and tax credit investment activities nationwide. Mr. Tracey’s division at Bank of America provided GHEW DQG HTXLW\ ¿QDQFLQJ IRU D̆RUGDEOH KRXVLQJ FKDUWHU VFKRROV DQG economic development projects, using low-income housing, historic, and New Markets tax credits. Mr. Tracey holds a Master of Business Administration degree from the University of Maryland and a Master of Arts in Christian Ministry degree from Abilene Christian University. 0U 7UDFH\ KDV VHUYHG DV D ERDUG PHPEHU RI PRUH WKDQ D GR]HQ ORFDO UHJLRQDO DQG QDWLRQDO RUJDQL]DWLRQV LQFOXGLQJ WKH $), 6LOYHU 7KHDWUH the Baltimore Development Corporation, the Montgomery County Interagency Commission on Homelessness, and the National Housing Conference. Currently, he is a member of the Planning Commission for WKH &LW\ RI %OXH¿HOG

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