Winter Commencement 2022
Ms. Alandra Blume Collaborative Accompanist, Piano
Pomp and Circumstance Sir Edward Elgar
Ms. Alandra Blume
Dr. Emily Lambert Dean of the College of Sciences and Health Sciences
*Scripture Reading
Dr. Challen Mabry Assistant Professor of Counselor Education, Psychology and Human Services
Welcome and Introductions
Dr. David W. Olive President
Greetings from the Board of Trustees
Mr. Jack Reasor Vice Chair, Board of Trustees
Special Music
For the Beauty of the Earth arr. by John Rutter
Variations Choir led by Ms. Laura Horton Student Conductor
Student Graduate Addresses College of Sciences Caudill School of Business
Ms. Alysia Townsley Mrs. Erika Bell
*Commencement Hymn
Dr. Mark Milberger Assistant Professor of Music
Joy to the World Watts/Mason arr. by Lloyd Larson
and Worship Arts
accompanied by Ms. Alandra Blume and Brass Quintet
Commencement Address Mr. Brian Tracey ([HFXWLYH 'LUHFWRU %OXH¿HOG $UWV DQG 5HYLWDOL]DWLRQ &RUSRUDWLRQ Presentation of Graduates Dr. Michael Salmeier 3URYRVW DQG &KLHI $FDGHPLF 2̇FHU
Mrs. Rebecca McCoy-Reese Assistant Professor of Theatre
Conferral of Degrees
Dr. David W. Olive
Alumni Induction
Mr. J. Morgan Lloyd, ‘13 Vice President, Alumni Association Board of Directors
*Alma Mater
Dr. Mark Milberger accompanied by Ms. Alandra Blume
Dr. Joshua Pittman Chair, English Department
Christmas Hymn H. Maylath
Ms. Alandra Blume
Brass Quintet
*Please stand †Please remain standing at your seat until after the recessional
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