
Magee — Buy-In: Leaders must be mindful of how differing constituents are served and affected by transitions and challenges, so everyone remains focused on the endgame, and not distracted by agendas that can derail the long-term health and vitality for a short-term need. Variant Factors: The obvious must be considered in dealing with transition: resources, time, financials, technical, user interface to administer change, human capital realities, market needs- acceptance-tolerance, and goals of key experts needed to carry out the transition and create the new normal. What are the challenges in leading transition?

Ballou — Patience: We are leaders. We see the future and want to be there. Managing ourselves, our stress, our expectations, will allow others to catch up with us. We still see the future, but with patience of nurture in leading others. Managing Conflict: There will always be conflict where people are. Leaders sometimes cause additional conflict. Conflict escalates when not addressed promptly and calmly. Fear, insecurity, secrets, and confusion add anxiety, which in turn adds more conflict. Leaders cause or add to the anxiety with emotional decisions, or calm things with thoughtful decisions. EstablishingTrust: Trust is essential for transition. Building trusted relationships is at the heart of leadership, communications, and financial results. It’s also at the heart of establishing new systems and improving old habits into effective processes.

What key areas must leaders grow personally to effectively lead transitions? Magee —

Ballou — The primary area of personal growth is knowing and managing self.The most effective leaders are avid readers and have a personal coach in addition to a peer-to-peer support group. Effective leaders consistently work on skills and systems.Those who stop growing are dangerous to themselves and others.

Leaders have a strong sense of self, and the confidence, courage, commitment, and passion to execute what is right, even when others around them would have them implode.

Why is transition a key leadership priority? Magee — Welcome to the new normal.The leader must welcome, embrace, and lead change or, even better, build an organization awaiting change when it appears, and leverage their role as the leader, creator, and owner of transitions and change.

Ballou — Life is never static. Change is inevitable. Leaders embrace change as the essential element in transitions. Identifying transitions in advance and know-how to manage tactics and lead people through the process is the top priority of a leader.

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