National Convention 2023


Things To Do and See in Tennessee 2 - 3 p.m. MeadowView Ballroom C/D Lara Potter

Learn about the sites and activities in Kingsport and hear about Bellafina Chocolate’s community service project. American Flag Etiquette 2 - 3 p.m. Boone/Cherokee Wally Hudson This workshop encompasses everyday household knowledge of common courtesies and measures of respect for “Old Glory”, commonly known as the Flag of the United States of America. It will give a brief and basic history of how the Flag became known as the primary symbol of the United States of America and the best-known symbol of freedom all over the world. It will enhance your knowledge of the known and many unknown aspects as to what is respectful and that which is not to our Flag. Complete Overview of MMS 3 - 4 p.m. Meadowview Ballroom C/D Linda Krause A guided tour of the Member Management System (MMS) will include all the pages and features available in this very comprehensive internet application for managing Ruritan business at the individual, club, district, and zone levels. The tour is suitable for all levels of users, including beginners and mentor/trainers. A quick-start user guide and other information will be available. No personal devices are needed. Bylaws 3 - 4 p.m. Holston/Watauga Dennis Bagnell, George Brothers, Ron Reid


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