National Convention 2023


Youth Room 9 a.m. - 10 p.m. Scott Room *2 p.m - Bracelet and Necklace Craft *4 p.m - Escape Room

APNP (Association of Past National Presidents) 10 - 12 p.m (inclusive of lunch)

Blue Ridge Board Room Flag Ceremony Practice 12 - 2 p.m Convention Center A

First Time Convention Attendees Welcome Reception 2 - 4 p.m. Cattails Ballroom

Meet past and present National and District officers, as well as Keynote Speaker Ricky Davis, who is also a first timer. Ricky says, “I look forward to meeting you and lead ing you through a ‘get to know each other’ speed network ing exercise.” Learn how to make the most of your National Convention Experience!

Individual Candidate, District Governor, and Lt. Governors Pictures 4:30 - 5 :30 p.m. Exhibit Booth Grand Ballroom Chair Meeting with Friday Participants 10 - 11 p.m Bays Mountain Boardroom


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