NRCA_AnnualReport_PROOF7 3-16-23
To Our House (TOH) is a thermal, overnight shelter for homeless adults. TOH finished its twelfth season in March of 2022. This program relies on the faith-based community for space, food, and volunteers. Host Churches provide shelter space, drivers for
a church van as transportation is needed, and evening and overnight volunteers. Support Churches provide meals, other food supplies, evening activities, and evening volunteers. With the assistance of 160 volunteers providing 865 volunteer hours, the program served 41 guests with 1,397 bed nights and 4,191 meals. Seven guests obtained employment, eleven guests were more stably housed, and eleven guests were permanently housed during the season. Since 2010 TOH has provided over 44,000 meals, provided over 13,000 bed nights, engaged over 56,000 volunteer hours, 191 guests found more stable housing, and 128 guests found employment. ■ ■ ■ ■
Experiencing declining health, Carrie lost her job and had to apply for disability. After getting behind on her rent, being evicted, and having no family or friends able to house her, Carrie came into To Our House (TOH). There she was given a warm place to sleep, access to three meals a day (including a warm, hearty evening meal provided by church
volunteers) and fellowship with other guests, volunteers, and staff. While she appreciated it all, she states that it was the fellowship she was most thankful to receive. With the length of time for a disability determination being out of anyone's control and with the recent eviction leaving her ineligible for some housing options, Carrie was concerned about what she would do at the end of the sheltering season. Because of an established relationship with a local landlord who had worked previously with NRCA, Carrie was able to move into permanent housing without a secured source of income. She obtained some furniture and essential household items at no cost through thrift store vouchers. In talking with Carrie recently, she was excited to have her grandson visit in her new home!
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