NRCA Annual Report 2021


Individuals in our area may find themselves without housing for a wide variety of reasons including menta

and physical illness and disability, low-paying jobs, unemployment, and re-entry for ex-offenders. The high

Individuals in our area may find themselves without housing for a wide variety of reasons including mental

Individuals in our area may find themselves without housing for a wide variety of reasons including mental

cost of housing in the NRV and long waiting lists for limited subsidized housing exacerbate the problem.

and physical illness and disability, low-paying jobs, unemployment, and re-entry for ex-offenders. The high

and physical illness and disability, low-paying jobs, unemployment, and re-entry for ex-offenders. The high

To Our House

provides emergency shelter for homeless adults during the winter months by partnering with

cost of housing in the NRV and long waiting lists for limited subsidized housing exacerbate the problem.

cost of housing in the NRV and long waiting lists for limited subsidized housing exacerbate the problem.

the local faith community. Churches offer their fellowship halls for one or two weeks as night shelters. Host

To Our House

provides emergency shelter for homeless adults during the winter mont

hs by partnering with

To Our House

provides emergency shelter for homeless

adults during the winter months by partnering with

and church volunteers transport the guests, provide meals, offer fellowship, and sleep at the shelter. NRCA

the local faith community. Churches offer their fellowship halls for one or two weeks as night shelters. Host

the local faith community. Churches offer their fellowship halls for one or two weeks as night shelters. Host

links To Our House guests with other NRCA Homeless and Housing Programs to assist with obtaining stable

and church volunteers transport the guests, provide meals, offer fellowship, and sleep at the shelter. NRCA

and church volunteers transport the guests, provide meals, offer fellowship, and sleep at the shelter. NRCA


links To Our House guests with other NRCA Homeless and Housing Programs to assist with obtaining stable

links To Our House guests with other NRCA Homeless and Housing Programs to assist with obtaining stable



assists literally homeless individuals and families. Funding helps those families with rent

Rapid Rehousing

and utility deposits, housing application fees, moving costs, and temporary rental and utility support.

Rapid Rehousing

assists literally homeless individ

uals and families. Funding helps those families with rent

Rapid Rehousing

assi sts literally homeless individuals and families. Funding helps those families with rent

and utility deposits, housing application fees, moving costs, and temporary rental and utility support.

and utility deposits, housing application fees, moving costs, and temporary rental and utility support.

Housing Counseling

helps the homeless develop a road map to safe, permanent housing. Housing

Housing Counseling

helps the homeless develop a road map to safe, permanent housing. Housing

Housing Counseling

helps the homeless develop a road map to safe, permanent housing. Housing

Counseling includes rental rights and responsibilities education, homelessness assistance, housing

Counseling includes rental rights and responsibilities education, homelessness assistance, housing

Counseling includes rental rights and responsibilities education, homelessness assistance, housing

search, post-purchase guidance, foreclosure prevention, budgeting, home maintenance and repair

search, post-purchase guidance, foreclosure prev

ention, budgeting, home maintenance and repair

search, post-purch

ase guidance, foreclosure prevention, budgeting, home maintenance and repair

counseling, and financial literacy.

counseling, and financial literacy.

counseling, and financial literacy.

Homeless Prevention

assists families who are in imminent danger of homelessness. Assistance may

Homeless Prevention

assists families who are in imminent danger of homelessness. Assistance may

Homeless Prevention

assists families who are in imminent danger of homelessness. Assistance may

include temporary rental payments including arrears. Housing Counseling helps the client create a

include temporary rental payments including arrears. Housing Counseling helps the client create a

include temporary rental payments including arrears. Housing Counseling helps the client create a

spending plan and set goals to maintain stable, affordable housing.

spending plan and set goals to maintain stable, affordable housing.

spending plan and set goals to maintain stable, affordable housing.


VITA volunteers assisted 130 families with free income tax preparation saving filers $47,750 in

VITA volunteers assisted 130 families with free income tax preparation saving filers $47,750 in

VITA volunteers assisted 130 families with free income tax preparation saving filers $47,750 in

tax preparation fees. Additionally, families in our service area received assistance with various

tax preparation fees. Additionally, families in our service area received assistance with various

tax preparation fees. Additionally, families in our service area received assistance with various

inquiries related to tax law, economic incentive payments, tax refunds, and other general IRS

inquiries related to tax law, economic incentive payments, tax refunds, and other general IRS

inquiries related to tax law, economic incentive payments, tax refunds, and other general IRS

related i

ssues. VITA helped our clients receive $274,291 in federal and Virginia tax refunds

related issues. VITA helped our clients receive $274,291 in federal and Virginia tax refunds,

related issues. VITA helped our clients receive $274,291 in federal and Virginia tax refunds,

including $72,965 in federal Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) dollars. The EITC is the nation’s

including $72,965 in federal Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) dollars. The EITC is the nation’s

including $72,965 in federal Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) dollars. The EITC is the nation’s

largest federal anti-poverty program, serving working families who are most at-risk during hard

largest federal anti-poverty program, serving working families who are most at-risk during hard

largest federal anti-poverty program, serving working families who are most at-risk during hard

economic times. The adjusted gross income of families served was $20,537.

economic times. The adju

sted gross income of families served was $20,537.

economic times. The adjusted gross income of families served was $20,537.



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