
Sponsors of Montgomery County Parks & Recreation

DICK’S SPORTING GOODS dhank you to ick͛s ^porting 'oods ůocated in Christiansburg at the Eew River Vaůůey Maůů Ĩor being a sponsor oĨ MCPR Athůetics͊ Kur Ĩriends at ^' arrange speciaů shopping days and excůusive coupons Ĩor MPCR athůetes and their parents whiůe providing us with eƋuipment and donations. Check out ick͛s ^porting 'oods on the web at SHELOR MOTOR MILE dhanks to aůů oĨ our Ĩriends at the ^heůor Motor Miůe in Christiansburg Ĩor supporting MCPR Athůetics. From heůp constructing Motor Miůe Park to spon- soring our yearůy Ripken asebaůů Cůinic. Kver the years, ^heůor has heůped us raise Ĩunds through ticket saůes and car test drives. For more inĨormation on ^heůor, půease visit www.sheů CHRISTIANSBURG SOCCER CLUB dhe Christiansburg ^occer Cůub ;C^CͿ strives to provide recreationaů and com- petitive soccer at reasonabůe cost Ĩor the Eew River Vaůůey. C^C is the top soccer provider Ĩor Christiansburg, Riner, ^hawsviůůe, and ůůiston. draveů and academy soccer are also available. Check out our website for more informa- tion at NEW RIVER UNITED Eew River hnited is the premier soccer cůub providing soccer Ĩor aůů ůeveůs oĨ půayers in the Eew River Vaůůey. Programs incůude recreationaů soccer ;4Ͳϭ8 yrsͿ, traveů soccer ;8Ͳϭ8Ϳ, aduůt ůeague ;ϭ8ͲupͿ, summer camps ;4Ͳϭ8Ϳ, winter indoor ůeagues ;both youth and aduůtͿ and many more. Půease visit www. or emaiů inĨ with any Ƌuestions NEW RIVER VALLEY LACROSSE CLUB dhe Eew River Vaůůey >acrosse Cůub͛s ;ERV>CͿ mission is to bring the commu- nity together in sport by providing opportunities Ĩor area youth to participate as members oĨ ůacrosse teams. ERV>C currentůy Įeůds the Ĩoůůowing ůacrosse teams in Montgomery County; varsity boys, varsity girls, junior varsity boys, junior varsity/middle school girls, middle school boys and 4th and 5th grade boys. ERV>C aůso oīers various cůinics and camps Ĩor aůů ages. do ůearn more about programs and happenings with lacrosse please visit BLACKSBURG BASEBALL ASSOCIATION dhe ůacksburg asebaůů Association is a seůĨͲĨunded, nonͲproĮt organinjation developed to provide players in the Blacksburg school district with the oppor- tunity to participate in competitive basebaůů. dhe A is an oĸciaů Ĩranchise oĨ ixie zouth asebaůů and oīers ůeagues Ĩor CoachͲPitch through ixie zouth asebaůů to abe Ruth asebaůů. For more inĨormation on the A and to reg- ister for their leagues please visit BLACKSBURG SOFTBALL ASSOCIATIO N zouth ^oŌbaůů Ĩor the ůacksburg schooů district is oīered through the ůacks- burg ^oŌbaůů Association. dhey oīer youth soŌbaůů Ĩrom coachͲpitch through abe Ruth ^oŌbaůů ůeagues. For more inĨormation on ^ and to register Ĩor their ůeagues půease visit: www.bůacksburgdixiesoŌbaůů.org

Friends of Montgomery County Parks & Recreation

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