GROW YOUR OWN SALAD BOWL – $5 on͛t get stuck in the same oůd saůad routine, shake it up by tossing in some spectacuůar greens and herbs. >earn how you can create and grow a ͞saůad bowů͟ that can be harvested in about a month. A light salad bowl lunch will be provided and the demo salad garden will be given away as a door prinje. Registration deadůine is May ϭ.
dues, May 7
ϭ0:00 a.m.
Christiansburg Parks Θ Recreation
EAST MONT GARDEN DAY – FREE Ceůebrate springtime with a visit to the ast Mont 'arden ay on ^aturday, May 4, 9amͲϭpm at the Meadowbrook Center Courtyard. There will be a bake sale, perennials and vegetable půants Ĩor saůe, arts and craŌs booths, Ĩarmers market, music and Ĩree chiůdren͛s activities courtesy of the library. nter your tractor or ůawn mower in the show, prinjes wiůů be awarded Ĩor peopůe͛s choice and most originaů tractors, and most uniƋue riding ůawn mower. Registration Ĩor the show begins at 8:30 am, and ũudging wiůů be at ϭ2:30 pm. For more inĨormation caůů 268Ͳϭ964
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