Amenitites / Parks and Facilities
>ocated in the middůe oĨ the ,uckůeberry draiů, in between the downs oĨ ůacksburg and Christiansburg, the Coaů Mining ,eritage Park is Ĩuůů oĨ history and opportunity Ĩor expůoration. dhe Ĩormer Merrimac mining community resided on this 30Ͳacres tract where you wiůů now Įnd a passive park with open green space along with a large wooden bridge that takes you into the park. An ADA accessible trail leads to the old mining entrance and some oĨ the oůd Ĩoundations. dhe Coaů Mining >oop Trail is 1.5 miles and is designed to accommodate bicyclists, joggers, waůkers and traiů users. dhere is a ƋuarterͲmiůe section designed to be accessibůe Ĩor wheeůchair users. EASTERN MONTGOMERY PARK – 5001 ENTERPRISE DRIVE, ELLISTON
ducked away in the eastern part oĨ the County on the ^outh Fork oĨ the Roanoke River is astern Montgomery Park. dhis park has some uniƋue amenities such as a grass voůůeybaůů court, modeů airpůane Ňying strip and a canoe and kayak boat ůaunch. A půayground and waůking traiů by the river make this a great půace to spend time with family and friends. As the largest shelter across the County parks, this shelter features 13 picnic tables, two grills, and electricity. The sheůter is avaiůabůe Ĩor rent Ĩrom Apriů ϭ through Kctober 3ϭ. Rentaů Ĩees start at Ψ30 Ĩor a haůĨ day reservation ;9 a.m. to 3 p.m. KR 3
p.m. to 9 p.m.Ϳ or Ψ50 Ĩor a whoůe day ;9 a.m. to 9 p.m.Ϳ. Reservations must be made at ůeast one week in advance. Půease view avaiůabiůity and reserve onůine at hƩps:// ReserveͺKptions HUCKLEBERRY TRAIL xtending Ĩrom the Christiansburg Recreation Center ;ϭ600 E. Frankůin ^t.Ϳ to the Montgomery County Pubůic >ibrary in downtown ůacksburg ;200 Miůůer ^t., ^tͿ, and passing ,eritage Park connecting to the Eationaů Forest draiů Eetwork, the ,uckůeberry draiů oīers an asphaůtͲpaved bike/pedestrian path constructed on the oůd ,uckůeberry Raiů >ine. dhis traiů is open to waůkers, runners and bikers. EK MKdKR/ V ,/C> ^ KR ,KR^ ^ AR A>>Kt . Additionaů inĨormation and maps are avaiůabůe Ĩor reĨerence at hƩp://huckůeberrytraiů.org/ McCOY PARK – 5770 McCOY ROAD, BLACKSBURG
:ust a ϭ5Ͳmintue drive Ĩrom ůacksburg, McCoy Park Ĩeatures a youth basebaůů Įeůd, a sheůter, waůking track and půayground eƋuipment. dhe sheůter Ĩeatures picnic tabůes, concrete Ňoors, a griůů, and eůectricity. dhe sheůter is avaiůabůe Ĩor rent Ĩrom Apriů ϭ to Kctober 3ϭ. Rentaů Ĩees start at Ψ30 Ĩor haůĨ day ;9a.m. to 3 p.m. KR 3 p.m. to 9 p.m.Ϳ or Ψ50 Ĩor a whoůe day ;9 a.m. to 9 p.m.Ϳ. Reservations must be made at ůeast one week in advance. Půease view avaiůabiůity and reserve onůine at hƩps://apm.ͺKptions
MID-COUNTY PARK – 390 CINNABAR ROAD, CHRISTIANSBURG The largest park in Montgomery County at 110 acers, Mid-County oīers many amenities incůuding the Frog Pond ^wimming Pooů, the Activities Center and 'oůden ,iůů isc 'oůĨ Course. ^ome uniƋue features of this park include the extensive nature trail system, wiůdůiĨe habitat areas, aƋuatic and wetůand areas, and a dog walking area. This park also features a playground and basketball court. dhere are three picnic sheůters ;two are avaiůabůe Ĩor rentͿ, charcoal grills, and electricity. Wheelchair accessible trials are avaiůabůe to ^heůters ηϭ, η2 and the restrooms. dhe two sheůters
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