are avaiůabůe Ĩor rent Ĩrom Apriů ϭ to Kctober 3ϭ. dhe max capacity Ĩor each sheůter is ϭ00 guests. Rentaů Ĩees start at Ψ30 Ĩor a haůĨ day ;9 a.m. to 3 p.m. KR 3 p.m. to 9 p.m.Ϳ or Ψ50 Ĩor a whoůe day ;9 a.m. to 9 p.m.Ϳ. Reservations must be made one week in advance. Půease view avaiůabiůity and reserve onůine at hƩps://ͺKptions MID-COUNTY ACTIVITY CENTER – 390 CINNABAR ROAD, CHRISTIANSBURG
dhe Activity Center is two Ňoors and is used Ĩor summer camps and speciaů programs by Montgomery County Parks and Recreation. /t is ůocated adũacent to the Frog Pond ^wimming Pooů and near the MidͲ County shelters, nature trails and disc golf course.
THE FROG POND – 390 CINNABAR ROAD, CHRISTIANSBURG dhe pooů season runs Ĩrom Memoriaů ay to >abor ay. 'eneraůůy, when Montgomery County schooůs are in session, the pooů wiůů be open on ^aturdays and ^undays onůy. Montgomery County͛s only outdoor public pool is a beach-entry leisure pool with water slides, fountains and geysers. The tots͛ pooů, beside the ůeisure pooů, provides enũoyment Ĩor chiůdren under the age oĨ 5. dhe entire Ĩaciůity is avaiůabůe Ĩor rent Ĩrom 7 p.m. to ϭϭ p.m. on Fridays, ^aturdays, and ^undays, Ĩrom Memoriaů ay weekend to >abor ay ;may be subũect to changeͿ. dhe pooů is avaiůabůe Ĩor rent throughout the summer with reservations opening on Apriů ϭ. Reservations must be made at ůeast one week in advance. Rentaů Ĩees start at Ψϭ75 Ĩor a minimum oĨ 2 hours and a Ψ75 Ĩee per each additionaů hour. dhe totaů rentaů Ĩee is due at time oĨ reservation. dhe rentaů Ĩee incůudes designated ůiĨeguards with ϭ ůiĨeguard per 25 guests. dhe max party sinje is ϭ00 peopůe. Půease view avaiůabiůity and reserve onůine at hƩps://ͺKptions
uiůt with donations Ĩrom the ^heůor Motor 'roup, Motor Miůe Park incůudes a tournament styůe ůighted basebaůů/soŌbaůů Įeůd, dugouts, a muůtipurpose practice Įeůd Ĩor a variety oĨ sports, a playground, and a shelter with a grill and picnic tables. The shelter is avaiůabůe Ĩor rent Ĩrom Apriů ϭ to Kctober 3ϭ. Rentaů Ĩees start at Ψ30 Ĩor a haůĨ day ;9 a.m. to 3 p.m. KR 3 p.m. to 9 p.m.Ϳ or Ψ50 Ĩor a whoůe day ;9 a.m. to 9 p.m.Ϳ. Reservations must be made at ůeast one week in advance. Půease view avaiůabiůity and reserve onůine at hƩps://ͺKptions
PLUM CREEK PARK – 1515 HORNSBY DRIVE, CHRISTIANSBURG >ocated in the western part oĨ the County near the City oĨ RadĨord, Půum Creek Park Ĩeatures a competitionͲůeveů basebaůů/soŌbaůů Įeůd, waůking track, and půayground eƋuipment. dhere is aůso půenty oĨ green space outside the baůů Įeůd that aůůows Ĩor activates such as dog waůking and Frisbee půaying. dhe sheůter incůudes picnic tabůes and a griůů, and is avaiůabůe Ĩor rent Ĩrom Apriů ϭ to Kctober 3ϭ. Rentaů Ĩees start at Ψ30 Ĩor a haůĨ day ;9 a.m. to 3 p.m. KR 3 p.m. to 9 p.m.Ϳ or Ψ50 Ĩor a whoůe day ;9 a.m. to 9 p.m.Ϳ. Reservations must be made at ůeast one week in advance. Půease view avaiůabiůity and reserve onůine at hƩps:// ReserveͺKptions
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