NRV COACH PITCH SOFTBALL (Girls, ages 7-8) – $40 CoachͲPitch ^oŌbaůů stresses individuaů skiůů deveůopment and game understanding in a re- ůaxed and recreationaů atmosphere. CoachͲPitch season consists oĨ teams Ĩrom area Eew River Vaůůey recreation departments to Ĩorm a true soŌbaůů ůeague. Participants͛ age as oĨ :anuary ϭ, 20ϭ9 wiůů determine division půacement. Registrations begins :anuary 9, 20ϭ9 and runs through Friday, March 8 ;inͲpersonͿ and ^unday March ϭ0 ;onůineͿ. ^eason starts in April and runs through June.
Location Course
CoachͲPitch ^oŌbaůů ʹ Auburn CoachͲPitch ^oŌbaůů ʹ ast Mont
7Ͳ8 7Ͳ8
A ^2
6456 6458
K^ ^2
DIXIE YOUTH BASEBALL (Boys, ages 9-12) – $50 stabůished in ϭ955, ixie zouth asebaůů͛s goaů is to promote the deveůopment oĨ strong character, a right aƫtude, a sense oĨ responsibiůity and citinjenship in youngsters, using the game oĨ basebaůů as a vehicůe. Půayers wiůů ůearn the game oĨ basebaůů and how to půay it the right way. >ocaůůy our teams wiůů compete in a ůeague with area parks and recreation departments, games will be played during the week and on weekends. Age as of May 1, 2019 determines ůeague division, practices starts end oĨ March/earůy Apriů. Registrations begins :anuary 9, 20ϭ9 and runs through Friday, March 8 ;inͲpersonͿ and ^unday March ϭ0 ;onůineͿ. Registrations Mh^d be made on time to ensure ůeague eůigibiůity reƋuirements.
Ages 9Ͳϭ0 9Ͳϭ0 Ages ϭϭͲϭ2 ϭϭͲϭ2
Location Course
ixie AAA asebaůů ʹ Auburn ixie AAA asebaůů ʹ ast Mont
646ϭ 6465
K^ ^ϭ
Location Course
ixie Knjone asebaůů ʹ Auburn ixie Knjone asebaůů ʹ ast Mont
MMP K^ ^2
6467 6469
BABE RUTH BASEBALL (Boys ages 13-15) – $50 Founded in ϭ95ϭ, abe Ruth asebaůů >eague was created Ĩor baůůpůayers ages ϭ3Ͳϭ5 who wished to continue their basebaůů půaying experience beyond age ϭ2. dhis is where půayers get their basebaůů cůeats muddy Ĩor the Įrst time on standard 90͛ diamonds under Kĸciaů asebaůů Ruůes used by maũor >eague asebaůů. /n this division, teams are eůigibůe to enter tournament competition andmove aůong the tournament traiů, cuůminating in atorůd ^eries. Age as of May 1, 2019 determines ůeague division, practices starts ůate May. Registrations begins :anuary 9, 20ϭ9 and runs through Friday, March 8 ;inͲpersonͿ and ^unday March ϭ0 ;onůineͿ. Registrations Mh^d be made on time to ensure ůeague eůigibiůity reƋuirements.
Ages ϭ3Ͳϭ5 ϭ3Ͳϭ5
Location Course
abe Ruth asebaůů ʹ Auburn abe Ruth asebaůů ʹ ast Mont
6470 6472
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