BABE RUTH SOFTBALL (Girls ages 9-14) – $50 ^ince its inception in ϭ984, abe Ruth ^oŌbaůů has grown tremendousůy to become a pre- mier soŌbaůů program throughout the hnited ^tates and Canada and is aůso the Ĩastest grow- ing division oĨ abe Ruth >eague /nc. dhe primary emphasis oĨ abe Ruth ^oŌbaůů is on education, skiůů deveůopment, participation Ĩor aůů ůeveůs oĨ abiůity and oĨ course having Ĩun. Age as oĨ :anuary ϭ, 20ϭ9 determines ůeague division, practices starts end oĨ March/earůy Apriů. Registrations begins :anuary 9, 20ϭ9 and runs through Friday, March 8 ;inͲpersonͿ and ^unday March ϭ0 ;onůineͿ. Registrations Mh^d be made on time to ensure ůeague eůigibiůity requirements.
Ages 9Ͳϭ0 9Ͳϭ0 Ages ϭϭͲϭ2 ϭϭͲϭ2 Ages ϭ3Ͳϭ4 ϭ3Ͳϭ4
Location Course
abe Ruth ^oŌbaůů ϭ0h ʹ Auburn abe Ruth ^oŌbaůů ϭ0h ʹ ast Mont
A ^2
6474 6475
K^ ^2
Location Course
abe Ruth ^oŌbaůů ϭ2h ʹ Auburn abe Ruth ^oŌbaůů ϭ2h ʹ ast Mont
A ^2
6476 6477
K^ ^2
Location Course
abe Ruth ^oŌbaůů ϭ4h ʹ Auburn abe Ruth ^oŌbaůů ϭ4h ʹ ast Mont
6478 6479
540.382.6975 | 13
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