MBSE with GENESYS thru Dec 2024
Capture Source Document - Quickly Associating a File with an Entity
Drag ‐ dropping a file from Windows on to a GENESYS entity is a shortcut for associating the file with the entity. Any file can be associated as an External File augmenting the entity. Some entities such as Documents include an external file path allowing you to hyperlink to the file of interest. 1. Open Windows Explorer 2. Navigate to the MBSE Training Student Files directory 3. Drag ‐ drop the Excel document on to the “GL Source Document” 4. Select the “Set reference attribute” and Enter “GL Source Document” as the Display Name 5. Click OK
C:\Program Files\Vitech\GENESYS ###\Samples\MBSE Training Student Files
Reminder: External File Path
External File Path for the “GL Source Document” is a hyperlink to an external file. The base file path for external files is specified on the project property sheet.
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