MBSE with GENESYS thru Dec 2024
Capture Source Document - Creating a Document Entity 1. Open the “Geospatial Library Class Project” and Den Navigate to the Document Class 2. Enter the name “GL Source Document” in
the Browser create bar and click Create This creates a new Document entity. The document entity will be used to trace the Requirement Group entities we import to the source document from which they came.
Capture Source Document - Editing “GL Source Document” 1. Select the “GL Source Document” in the browser. 2. In the Number attribute of the Properties sheet, enter DOC.1. Return to the Excel spreadsheet and copy the document description text
3. Select the Description attribute and Paste Unformatted the description from Excel. Scroll the attribute panel to see the full list of attributes for the Document class. Populate those of value for a given entity and ignore the others. 4. Set Type to “System Requirements Document” Numbering
Text Type
Geospatial Library (GL)
Section Heading
This source specification establishes the basis for the performance, design, development, and test requirements for a Geospatial Library. This Geospatial Library accepts requests for imagery information, determines the best way for the system to respond to the request, and then provides the requested information. In the process of acquiring the requested information, the system may generate tasking orders for a set of imagery data collectors. The mission of the Geospatial Library is to provide management of a system of Imagery collectors, from the acceptance of customer requests, through scheduling the collectors, to delivery of the imagery products to the customers.
Document Description
System Description
System Mission Statement
Section Heading
The applicable documents for the Geospatial Library program are: Geospatial Library source specification (this document)
Section Text
Doument Self Reference External Doument Reference
ISO 15288:2015 (System life cycle processes)
Requirement Group
3.1 The Geospatial Library shall provide continuous real ‐ time support to the customers and the collection systems.
Requirement Requirement
4.3 The system shall be unavailable no more than a total of ten minutes per month.
Requirement Group
4.1 The system shall accept information requests from certified customers.
Requirement Requirement Requirement Requirement Requirement Requirement Requirement
4.2 The system shall retain an inventory of previously collected images/products and provide them to users, if appropriate.
4.3 The system shall control multiple image collectors and multiple types of image collectors.
4.4 The system shall be staffed at a maximum of 25 personnel on any shift.
4.5 The system shall provide feedback on the customer's request within twenty ‐ four hours. 4.6 The system shall provide a means of prioritizing the customer's requests.
4.7 The system shall monitor and assess its own performance.
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