his friendliness was greeted by friendliness on most occasions. There were times Keaton was made to appear foolish; he believed people to be honest and caring. When he realized that a prank or joke had been played on him, he was crushed. He has now learned to forgive, something we should all practice. He has decided that he can speak to the persons who were involved in those hurtful situations. In his heart he forgives them, and will share that he can speak to them because he has “moved on with his life’. In his junior year, we saw him tapped for the National Honor Society, and he was selected to be a marshal for graduation. Keaton attended several dances with his friends, prior to his senior year. In his last year of high school he attended the homecoming ball game at which he was crowned “Homecoming King”; an honor that had been voted on by the entire student body. He attended this dance as the Homecoming King. In the spring, Keaton had a date for dinner and for the senior prom. Before the prom, his parents and grandparents went to the state park to take pictures of the couple in their formal attire. In his senior year he received the school’s most prestigious award: Most Valuable Cougar. This was decided by the senior class, faculty and staff. No words of mine can explain how proud and happy we were for Keaton to receive this award. Later, I will introduce the words of someone who could. It is customary for the student selected as Most Valuable Cougar to speak at the graduation ceremony. Once again, family and friends were present in the stadium to hear Keaton’s speech. We each felt that we
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