to use the phrase, but only when he is referring to relationships. There is a caring teacher who attends church with us; actually there is more than one. She was employed as an English teacher while Keaton was in high school. She was also responsible for the school’s yearbook. She became aware of Keaton’s love to be a part of a group though not necessarily a “team player”. She asked him if he would like to be on the yearbook staff. He was delighted; he worked with the staff for his final three years of high school. Even after graduation, he continued to help her sell the yearbooks. Presently, she is employed by New River Community College, in her doctorate field, English. Another one of Keaton’s favorite teachers, whom he had for Algebra, was the sponsor of the school’s Chess Team. Guess who took up chess and was a member of the team for all four years? He has not pursued the game of chess since his graduation. He shared a love of the West Virginia Mountaineers with this same teacher and with his Aunt Tina’s family. To keep harmony in our family, he is the only one who wears clothes with colors for WVA, UVA and VA Tech. Now that Gavin is a student at the University of Virginia, our favorite yell is “Go Hoos”. It was quite apparent that Keaton was very happy in high school. He was known by almost everyone there. I have failed to mention that he was six feet six inches tall by his senior year, really hard to overlook (no pun intended). He had a “crush” on several young ladies. He counted everyone with whom he came in contact, as his friend. Therefore, as one might hope,
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