IPM Packages for Crops
insects, weeds, nematodes, & other threats
Lygus bugs [ Lygus spp. (Hemiptera: Miridae)] Lygus bugs are major pests in chickpea production. Scouting is critical to spot the presence of lygus. Lygus bugs pierce ten- der leaves, stems, buds, petioles, and de- veloping seeds. They cause serious damage to seeds and great economic damage due to chalky spot syndrome, which is charac- terized by pitted, crater-like depressions in the seed coat with or without a discolored chalky appearance. Economic thresholds have been established for lygus control. During the bloom, one lygus bug for every three sweeps indicates the action threshold. Entomopathogenic fungi, B. bassiana , M. anisopilae , and Paecilomyces lilacinus can manage this pest. Bruchids [ Bruchus ervi ; Bruchus lentis (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae)] Bruchids are known storage grain pests; however, they do not reproduce in the stor- age. The adults feed on nectar and pollen and lay eggs on the young pods. Upon hatching, the larvae penetrate the pod and feed on developing seeds. Usually, single larvae feed on a single seed. Larvae eat and create a thin circular exit hole. After pupation, the emerging adult leaves the seed through this exit hole. Adults remain in the seeds or hibernate in protected plac- es such as residual crops. Hot air and water treatment and drying are major cultural management methods.
Adzuki bean beetle [ Callosobruchus chinensis (Coleoptera: Bruchidae)] This pest is an important cosmopolitan species of storage insects in many food legumes. The insect causes significant quantitative and qualitative damage and loss to chickpea. It is the larvae that feed and damage the seeds. The damage and yield loss caused by C. chinensis depend upon the condition of the environment, the higher temperature, and relative humid- ity that is conducive for the growth and devel- opment of this pest. The eggs of C. chinensis are laid on chickpea seeds and the larvae and pupae complete their development inside the grain. A single female may lay 100 eggs depending on the environmental condition. After hatching, the larvae bore into cotyledons where it develops into adults within a month. The adult exits the seed by making a hole. Reniform Nematode [ Rotylenchulus sp. (Tylenchida: Hoplo- laimidae)] It causes patches of stunted chlorotic plants. Infected plants grow less vigorous- ly. Root-knot Nematode [ Meloidogyne spp. (Tylenchida: Heterode- ridae)] It has a wide host range and causes exces - sively branched and galled roots. It aids in Fusarium fungus entry into the roots.
Parasitic crenate broomrape ( Orobanche crenata ), Egyptian broomrape ( Orobanche aegyptiaca ) (both Orobanchaceae), and dodder ( Cuscuta campestris ) ( Convolvula- ceae ) pose a serious problem in the Middle East. Field preparation, irrigation schedul- ing, careful harrowing, proper sowing, and crop establishment play an important role in the cultural management of weeds. OTHER IMPORTANT DISEASES, INSECT PESTS, AND NEMATODES Alternaria blight ( Alternaria alternata ), Sclerotinia stem rot ( Sclerotinia sclerotio- rum ), Collar rot ( Sclerotium rolfsii ), Pythi- um seedling and root rot ( Pythium ulti- mum) , Rhizoctonia seed, seedling, and wet root rot ( Rhizoctonia solani ), Verticillium wilt ( Verticillium albo-atrum , Sclerotinia stem and crown rot ( Sclerotinia sclero- tiorum ), Bacterial blight ( Xanthomonas campestris ), Bacterial root rot ( Pseudo- monas radiciperda ), Bacterial stem canker ( Pseudomonas andropogonis ), Pink seed ( Erwinia rhapontici , Faba bean nectrotic yellow virus, Mastreviruses, Luteoviruses (yellowing viruses), Chickpea chlorotic stunt virus, Pea streak virus, Pea enation mosaic virus, Stored grain pests [ Calloso- bruchus maculatus (Coleoptera: Bruchi- dae), Leaf weevil [ Sitona crinitus , Sitona macularius (Coleoptera: Curculionidae)], Orosius orientalis (Hemiptera: Cicadelli- dae), Leafminers [ Liriomyza cicerina (Dip- tera: Agromyzidae)], Thrips [ Frankliniella spp. (Thysanoptera)], Grasshoppers.
Bruchus lentis, Pest and Diseases Image Library , Bugwood.org
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