IMS Student Handbook 2017-2018
5. at the beginning of each school year, identify for the attendance record keeper, and each teacher those students who had twenty (20) or more tardies, check-outs, and/or absences the preceding year, and advise personnel to give particular attention to habits of those students; 6. by the twelfth school day of each school year, forward to the School Social Worker a list of those students under the age of eighteen (18) years who were expected to enroll but have not done so; 7. at the end of each school year, forward to the School Social Worker a printout of students in grades K-12 who have had twenty (20) absences, twenty (20) tardies, or twenty (20) check-outs and who will still be under the age of eighteen (18) years at the beginning of the next school year; 8. at the beginning of each school year, provide the parent/guardian of each student a copy of the county attendance policy and expectations. ATTENDANCE - TRUANCY Students shall attend school on a regular and punctual basis unless otherwise excused in accordance with School Board policy or regulation. (See Policy JED Student Absences/Excuses/Dismissals.)
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