IMS Student Handbook 2017-2018
VIII. LEAVING SCHOOL GROUNDS WITHOUT PERMISSION Leaving school grounds will not be permitted for any reason unless the student is excused by the principal or designee. No student shall leave school unless the parent or guardian has made arrangements with the principal to pick up the students or unless prior arrangements have been approved by school administration. IX. SCHOOL ATTENDANCE PROCEDURES Teachers will: 1. encourage good attendance by making the classroom an inviting place for students; 2. keep accurate records of student attendance, including absences, tardies and check-outs, in the manner prescribed by the building principal; 3. report to the principal within three (3) working days concerns regarding student attendance, giving particular attention to those students who had twenty (20) or more absences, tardies, or check-outs the previous year; 4. counseling with students as absences occur; 5. being available for parent conferences and/or initiating conferences with parents as needed to discuss attendance concerns; 6. cooperating with students who are making up work missed because of absence, being sure the make-up work assigned is directly related to the content of instruction provided during the class(es) missed. School attendance record keepers will: 1. keep accurate records of student attendance, including absences, tardies, and check-outs; 2. immediately notify the principal of any student absent three (3) consecutive days without indication that the parent/guardian is aware of the absences; 3. report to the principal any concerns regarding student attendance, giving particular attention to those students who had (20) or more absences, tardies, or check-outs the previous year; 4. at the end of each month, present to the principal a printout of those students who have had three (3) absences, three (3) tardies, and/or three (3) check-outs within the month; 5. at the end of the school year, present to the principal a comprehensive list of those students in grades K-12 who have had twenty (20) absences, twenty (20) tardies, and/or twenty (20) check-outs since the beginning of the school year. Principals will: 1. review attendance policy and procedures with school staff at the beginning 3. designate a person or persons to daily attempt phone contact with the parent/guardian of any child absent from school without indication that the parent is aware of the absence, per Virginia School Law Code 22.1-258, 1985 Amendment; 4. determine how written excuses for student absences will be received and filed; of each school year and up-date more often if needed; 2. designate an attendance record keeper for the school;
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