2016 International Mission Trips 51 v o l u n t e e r s SERBIA england S E R V E D I N


t rav e l e d f r om





Brazil canada



United Kingdom United States uraguay

We’d love to connect you with a meaningful mission trip experience. Email missiontrips@hsminc.org to get started.

volunteers assisted with

adopt-a-box for sYrian refugees

• Feeding programs • Construction • Teaching English

• Evangelism • Work with children

$65 1 box 216 meals $650 10 boxes 2,160 meals $195 3 boxes 648 meals Air Force cargo planes will carry the food directly into Iraq to ensure it gets to our partner in the refugee camps. With a gift of just $65, you can adopt a box of food. You’ll provide 216 meals for a desperate refugee family.

job opportunity

International Missions Coordinator Could you see yourself working part-time for HSM? We’re looking for someone who is… £ Passionate about International Missions £ Organized and detail-oriented £ Excellent at phone and email communication £ Adept at computer technology £ Familiar with the principles of “When Helping Hurts” Contact Scott@hsminc.org to learn more about working with Heaven Sent Ministries to connect people with mission opportunities.     

P.O. BOX 5392 | princeton, west virginia 24740 www.hsminc.org 304.425.7120

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