Expressions Winter 2022

T hank you for making Bridge to Hope possible.

Your generous support for the Bridge to Hope Fund continues to help meet unmet needs in your community. In the first two years, your contributions helped 21 children, 11 individuals with disabilities, and 26 families access critical supplies, equipment, and services when all other potential funding sources said “no.” This year, your support changed the lives of two sisters, Zoe and Maya. Their mother abruptly dropped the girls off at their paternal grandparents’ home then proceeded to leave the state. Zoe and Maya’s grandparents, who already struggled to make ends meet, could not afford essential items needed to care for the girls, especially on such short notice. The Bridge to Hope Fund provided groceries for the family until they could apply for supplemental nutrition assistance program (SNAP) benefits to support their grandchildren. The fund also provided clothing, toiletries, and a bed so Zoe and Maya could be comfortable and cared for in their new living arrangement. Without the Bridge to Hope Fund, these children may have entered the foster care system —a costly outcome for this family and the community. Your support kept these sisters together in their family home and avoided unnecessary trauma from entering foster care. Your gifts changed their life trajectory and will forever impact their lives. There are 57 more stories of life-changing support from the Bridge to Hope Fund—and we have more work to do. With your help, we can keep bridging gaps and saying “yes” when it matters most.

Total Raised: $37,252 Funds Used to date: $19,627 Fund Balance today: $17,625

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