Depaul Expressions Vol XXII-2
sponsored by Pinnacle Financial Partners
Volume XXII • Number 2 • Fall-Winter 2024
IN THIS ISSUE: Finding Hope in a Moment of Darkness Pursuing Passions in a World of Opportunity
As the current calendar year comes to a close, I was thinking back on how I originally learned about DePaul. I was at an award presentation where DePaul presented a video about children in foster care in Virginia. The number of children looking for permanent homes was astonishing but even more heart-wrenching to me was the information about children aging out of foster care. I could not have imagined starting my adult life without the love and support of my father. When I hit obstacles or had a question, he was always there with answers and support. It was at that moment I realized I wanted to become involved with DePaul to see how I could pay back all that I had been fortunate enough to receive. Thereafter, I learned how much more DePaul does for so many individuals and families who need help. The idea of bringing hope and belonging to people is a just and noble cause. The act of creating and supporting spaces that tell a person “We will love you no matter what” is essential to human well-being. When we see someone who is struggling, sometimes our instinct is to look away. Not the DePaul staff; instead, they rush in to say, “We see you and let’s figure out how we can help.” For staff members, this is not a job, it is a calling, and they do such wonderful work. The stories of hope and belonging, like the ones in this newsletter, are incredible and illustrate the important role organizations like DePaul play in our communities. They also illustrate the beauty and strength of the children, families, and individuals with disabilities served by DePaul. Every day, staff members push forward to spread hope and belonging to more people in need. This year, DePaul has pushed forward by introducing new programs such as Agency-Directed Services, which helps people navigate a very complex system and provides funding to families so they can personally provide the time and caregiving their loved one needs. In addition, DePaul continued growth of the kinship care program to keep children with family members or close friends, reducing the risk of trauma from separation. DePaul does so much for so many, and I am extremely proud to have the opportunity to serve as the board chair this year and to support the organization financially. If you have the time to learn more about DePaul and the ability to support its mission of hope and belonging, please do. You will be glad you did. So Much for So Many in Need
Donna Littlepage, Chair, DePaul Board of Directors
A Bridge to Hope story you made possible. DePaul’s Bridge to Hope Fund continues to meet needs in our community thanks to your generous donations to the fund. Now in its fourth year, your gifts have helped 53 children, 36 individuals with disabilities, and 69 families to access critical supplies, equipment, and services when everyone else has said, “no.” This year, your support changed the life of Shelley and her family when they needed us the most. Shelley is an adoptive mom of two young boys: ages 7 and 9. Both of Shelley’s adoptive boys have special needs. Kristopher was born with cerebral palsy and requires total care in their home. Landon also has special needs and has ADHD that requires a high level of supervision and physical support. Shelley was prepared to love and care for the boys and adopted them to give them a forever home. What Shelley was not prepared for was the series of strokes her husband suffered this year that left him critically debilitated. He is unable to help her with the physical care of the children or provide for his family. Shelley is now taking care of both boys, her husband, and their home. She has tried to obtain supports in her home for Kristopher but has hit many roadblocks. She was desperately seeking resources that would help her adequately care for all their needs—a transition and challenge that was taking a toll emotionally and financially. The Bridge to Hope Fund was able to provide temporary services and financial support for a few months when Shelley was in desperate need of help. When she needed a lifeline, the Bridge to Hope Fund was there, thanks to you.
Without the Bridge to Hope fund, this family’s hardship would have been even harder. There are many more stories of life-changing and life-saving support from the Bridge to Hope Fund. And we have more work to do. With your help, we will continue to bridge gaps and say, “yes,” when it really matters most. Thank you for making Bridge to Hope possible.
Total Raised: $78,220 Funds Used to date: $51,527 Fund Balance today: $26,693
Finding Hope in a Moment of Darkness Story by Alison Wickline-Burns | Photos by Taylored Images
st ick around. That ’s when Mark and Cher r i were int roduced to DePaul ’s Post-Adopt ion Services program. “ I wasn’t sure what my hopes and needs were from DePaul, but I was grasping at anything that could have a posit ive impact for our family,” said Cherr i . “Mark and I wanted to keep Brooklynn in our home, but we also wondered if we were truly what was ‘ best ’ for her. We were al l barely sur v i v ing and didn’ t know i f we could hang on much longer.” In the program, the family f inal ly found what they had been searching for—support, stabil ity, guidance, compassion, and hope. They were l inked with much-needed resources and cr isis suppor t, advocated for at meet ings, assisted with navigat ing dif ferent systems and services, and provided opportunit ies to strengthen their bond while also connect ing with other adopt ive families in similar situations. Cherri says life looks much dif ferent and much br ighter today than it did before DePaul . “When I was distraught and didn’t have peace and direction, DePaul and Morgan, the adoption special ist, stepped in and showed up for us in so many ways,” said Cherr i .
Mark and Cherri were desperately searching for support and stability after welcoming their three grandchi ldren into their home permanently. “A necessity arose within our fami ly, and we needed to take in our grandchildren,” said Cherri. “Our local Department of Social Services placed Brooklynn, Bryson, and Tyler with us in hopes that it would be a short-term stay. When we realized that mom and dad weren’t making progress in the right direct ion, Mark and I opted to go through the kinship care program to legally become foster parents for them. Then, the f ive of us moved through the formal adoption process and became ‘The Fami ly Five,’ a name the kids created. As “The Fami ly Five” began navigat ing their new l ife together, struggles arose. The impact of the chi ldren’s past trauma and the major l ife changes hit Brooklynn the hardest. She was the oldest and had shouldered the enormous respon sibi l ity of taking care of her sibl ings when her parents couldn’t. “She had decided that she didn’t want to l ive here with us anymore, and she was going to do anything and everything that she could to make someone remove her from our home,” said Cherri. Brooklynn spent t ime in resident ial t reat ment faci l i t ies , but the st ruggles seemed to
“When I was distraught and didn’t have peace and direction, DePaul and Morgan, the adoption specialist, stepped in and showed up for us in so many ways.”
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Pursuing Passions in a World of Opportunity Story by Alison Wickline-Burns | Photos by Carla Funk Photography
The world does not always welcome individuals with disabilities. Many times, they lack opportunities to be involved in their communities, to connect with others, to pursue passions, or to reach their full potential. But the importance of making these opportunities possible cannot be understated. When individu als with disabilities are free to follow their dreams, magic happens. Meet Alli. Most weeks you can find her at The Barns at Blue Mountain, where she is an integral part of the Blue Mountain Equine Therapy program. Alli loves horses—loves grooming them, riding them, caring for them, and competing in shows with them. They keep her calm and give her comfort. At Blue Mountain, she serves as the equine therapy program ambassador. “Alli takes great pride in her involvement with Blue MountainTherapy,” said Tish Jackson, executive director of Blue Mountain Therapy. “She whole heartedly engages in various activities, including assisting with fundraisers and offering her expertise during services.”
This is Alli’s passion, and DePaul is grateful to walk alongside Alli and her family as she pursues it. In 2020, Alli’s parents, Michael and Anna, heard about DePaul’s sponsored residential program for the first time. They immediately embraced the opportunity, hoping it would provide Alli support, connection, and a sense of community. “We are very grateful to be part of the sponsored residential program and only wish we had become part of DePaul sooner,” said Anna. DePaul staff members say working with Alli has been a joy, and they have loved watching her grow and excel, especially in the equine therapy program. “Whether Alli is pursuing her passions or partici pating in causes close to her heart, Alli approaches every endeavor with positive energy and unwavering dedication, inspiring those around her to embrace life with the same enthusiasm,” said Lisa, regional manager of residential services. When you donate to DePaul, you ensure individu als with disabilities like Alli are welcomed with oppor tunities in their communities and have the support and foundation they need to follow their dreams.
“Whether Alli is pursuing her passions or participating in causes close to her heart, Alli approaches every endeavor with positive energy and unwavering dedication, inspiring those around her to embrace life with the same enthusiasm.”
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Give a Gift from the Heart this Holiday Season
Together, we have changed lives in 2024. Your year-end gift will make the difference in accomplishing incredible things in 2025.
Here are examples, taken from real Bridge to Hope requests, of how your donation can make a lasting impact:
❤ $40 will provide a young child and her family with insurance for her special eyeglasses that help her see the world around her more clearly. ❤ $70 will provide a weighted therapy blanket for a young child in foster care so he can sleep comfortably in his new surroundings and feel more secure. ❤ $100 will cover the cost of books for community college for a young adult that grew up in foster care and now is part of DePaul’s Independent Living program. ❤ $250 can cover the expensive insurance copayment for a family that needs emergency intervention and therapy for a foster child in their home. ❤ $300 can help a family afford the supplies they need to build a wheelchair ramp so they can welcome an individual with a disability into their home.
There is more work in the coming year and many more in need of hope and belonging. With you by our side, we are ready. Thank you for your continued support.
Blessings of love, happiness, and health to you and yours this holiday season.
To make an impactful year-end gift to DePaul Community Resources, please find the envelope enclosed or visit
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