DePaul Community Resources Annual Report 2023
A Door Opened, A Chance to Change More Lives Story by Alison Wickline-Burns | Photos by Sara Beth Photography
A more fulfilling life. That’s what Tracy hoped her son, Cory, would find once she and her husband Billy became his sponsored residential providers through DePaul. At the time, the family was struggling to find reliable caregivers and to give Cory the support, stability, and opportuni ties he deserved. With the help of the program, Cory’s life changed. “It allows us to be here and know that he is getting what he needs every day,” said Tracy. Cory’s calendar stays full these days. “He loves being out and about and around people,” said Tracy. He plays baseball, goes bowling, and explores local parks. Connections made through DePaul have given him and his family lifelong friends. “DePaul has given us a really great support group,” said Tracy. “We all have our moments where we need to be lifted up.” Billy, Tracy, and Cory have been part of the spon sored residential program since 2014, receiving services through DePaul’s office in Amelia. While they love the staff members at that office, the travel to and from Amelia was sometimes difficult for Cory. When they learned DePaul was opening a new office in Hanover County close to where they live, they were thrilled.
“This is much better for us because all of his natural supports and doctors are right in this community,” said Tracy. “It definitely benefits us to stay closer in case something happens.” DePaul’s Amelia office
“This is much better for us because all of his natural supports and doctors are right in this community.”
sits to the southwest of R i chmond, wh i l e the Hanover office sits to the northeast, allowing the expansion of services into the Northern Virginia and
Tidewater region of the state. The decision to open that new office was driven by stories like Cory’s. “The placement of the Hanover office was one that we gave a great deal of thought to and allows us to better serve ‘both sides of the river’ east and west via these two locations,” said Amber Allen, director of residential services. “The Hanover office not only provides more access and flexibility to those we serve but also gives us the opportunity to bring needed services to counties where they have been limited.” DePaul saw a community need, dared to dream, and took the leap. Now, there is a new office to provide more comfort and convenience for current families in the sponsored residential program. A new office that can grow the organization’s footprint, giving more individuals with disabilities support, stability, and opportunities. A new office making hope and belonging possible today for those who could not imagine it yesterday.
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