Convention Booklet 2024 FINAL (01-22-2024)
105th Annual Convention
Andrew Cochran, Saint James, Roanoke My involvement in the diocese began in 2009 when I became the Organist and Director of Music at St. James, Roanoke. My years of experience in Organizational Development as a Diversity Practitioner and as the current Director of Elections and General Registrar for Roanoke City have afforded me opportunities to live my baptismal vows, serving people daily from all walks of life. The opportunity to participate in EFM and Sacred Ground was life changing and informs how I show up and respond in all situations. As a previous delegate to Diocesan Convention, I am familiar with the Diocesan structure and process of decision making. I have a collaborative working style and greatly value diversity of thought and perspectives in making decisions. Through my professional work I have developed strong critical thinking, good judgment in decision making, communication and organizational skills that would equip me to serve effectively on this committee. If elected, I will serve the Bishop and this diocese faithfully and effectively with integrity and purpose.
Standing Committee, Clergy Member
The Rev. Boyd Evans, St. Thomas, Abingdon The Standing Committee is responsible for reviewing matters of ordination, clergy discipline, and property transactions for the diocese and its parishes. I was installed as rector of St. Thomas in Abingdon in 2016 and serve as the Dean of the Abingdon Convocation. If elected, my current experience on the Executive Board, Campus Ministry Working Group, and the Becoming Beloved Community Guiding Team will contribute significantly to this role. I was a delegate to General Convention in 2022 in which I was a sponsor of legislation on racial reconciliation. Before ordination, I held a career in physics and engineering at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory and was involved in leadership and youth ministry in my local parish, St. Stephen’s Oak Ridge. It would be an honor and great privilege to follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit as a member of the Standing Committee of the Diocese of Southwestern Virginia.
The Rev. Katherine Doyle, Emmanuel, Covington & Hot Springs, St. Luke’s I would be honored to serve on the Standing Committee for the Diocese bringing my strengths of listening, organization and experience serving small and large parishes as well as working on the Diocesan staff. I have been canonically resident here for2 years serving now as Priest-in-Charge serving both Emmanuel, Covington and St. Luke's Hot Springs as well as chaplain at Boys Home of Va. Additionally, I serve on the board of the Covington Women's Club (treasurer), Randolph College Board of Trustees, and the Alleghany Arts Council Board. Prior to moving to this Diocese I served as rector of St. Thomas Episcopal Church for just shy of 7 years and Coordinator of Youth and Young Adult Ministries for the Diocese of Kentucky. In Kentucky I served on Trustees and Council for two terms, President of the Central Louisville Community Ministries Board, Chair of Formation Committee, and member of Racial Reconciliation Board. 17
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