Convention Booklet 2023
The Right Reverend Mark A. Bourlakas, Presiding
Convention Booklet
Table of Contents
Convention Committees
03 04 07 09 10 12 14 16 28 31 32 35 36 38
Report from the Secretary of Convention
Action Items Rules of Order
Election Results from Convocation Meetings
Nominee Profiles
Sample Ballot
2023 Proposed Summary Budget
2023 Detail Budget
2022-2023 Voluntary Proportionate Giving Report Report of the Constitution and Canons Committee
Convention Committees
Constitution & Canons Laura Hale (Chair) Roanoke-St. John’s The Rev. Canon Mark Furlow Diocesan Secretary Mark Loftis Diocesan Chancellor The Very Rev. Alexander MacPhail Roanoke-Christ David Cox
Resolutions Debbie Williams (Chair) Arrington-Trinity Donna Branham Bear Mountain-St. Paul’s The Ven. Brian Hutcherson Non-Parochial
Finance Todd Ayers (Chair) Roanoke-Christ Tom Fechtel Staunton-Trinity Tripp Duerson
Lynchburg-St. John’s The Rev. Mark Frazier Christiansburg-St. Thomas Karen Gilmer Abingdon-St. Thomas Avis Aheron (Treasurer) Roanoke-St. James
The Rev. John Church Appalachian Alliance Beth Marshall St. Paul-St. Mark’s Kathye Johnston Blacksburg-Christ Mitzi White Staunton-Emmanuel
Lynchburg-Trinity Laura Beth Weaver Blacksburg-Christ David Bice Lynchburg-St. John’s
104 th Annual Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Southwestern Virginia January 27—29, 2023 Hotel Roanoke and Conference Center Agenda FRIDAY, JANUARY 27, 2023 Online Prayer Requests:
Requests will be prayed for by the Diocesan Chapter of the Daughters of the King Prayer Chapel open throughout Convention Tinker Room
10:00 AM – 2:00 PM
In-Person Check-In for All Delegates, Alternates, and Visitors
Crystal Court
Delegates & Alternates pick up ballots and other materials from Diocesan Staff.
11:00 AM – 2:00 PM
Exhibitors may set up displays.
Crystal Ballroom
Check in with John Shaner for table assignment (if required).
1:00 PM – 2:00 PM
Coffee and tea available
Crystal / Roanoke Foyer
1:15 PM
ORIENTATION TO CONVENTION PROCESS Open to all. Recommended for new lay delegates and new clergy. Mark Loftis, Chancellor The Rev. Canon Mark Furlow, Secretary
Roanoke Ballroom
2:00 PM – 4:30 PM
Exhibit Hall Open
Crystal Ballroom
2:00 PM
Roanoke Ballroom
Opening Devotions: Seminarian Dwelling in the Word Establishment of a Quorum: The Rev. Canon Mark Furlow, Secretary Introduction of Head Table: The Rt. Rev. Mark Bourlakas Introduction of Postulants and Candidates, Other Visitors and Guests: Bishop Bourlakas Introduction of New Clergy to the Diocese: Convocation Deans
Appointment of Convention Committees: The Rt. Rev. Mark Bourlakas Report on Convention Procedures & Nominations: Debbie Williams Elections, nominations to be moved by Bishop Bourlakas as a block: Secretary – The Rev. Canon Mark Furlow
Chancellor - Mark Loftis Treasurer – Avis Aheron Historiographer – The Rev. Scott West Ecumenical Officer – The Very Rev. Donna Seckline Commission on Ministry Trustees of the Funds Directors Southwestern Virginia Episcopal Fund Directors
Report on Convention: The Rev. Canon Mark Furlow Receive Late Reports/Recommendations for Disposition: The Rev. Chris Roussell, Standing Committee President Communications from the Secretary: The Rev. Canon Mark Furlow
Voting Procedures Resolution: Mark Loftis Resolutions: Reference to the Committee Nominations: To be elected during Convention: Disciplinary Board and Standing Committee
2:30 PM
Introduction and Moving of the Budget:
Todd Ayers, Executive Board Finance Working Group, Chair Introduction and Moving of the Constitution & Canons Committee Report:
Laura Hale, Constitution & Canons Committee, Chair
3:30 PM
Open Hearings
Roanoke Ballroom
Mark Loftis: Chancellor Convention Finance Committee: Todd Ayers, Chair Resolutions Committee: Debbie Williams, Chair Constitution and Canons Committee: Laura Hale, Chair
Motions to amend are to be received at the hearing on Friday, just prior to
Recess of Convention. Changes to the budget and canons require a day layover. Committees will meet in the evening as needed.
4:25 PM
Episcopal Relief Development Announcement – Nick Moga
ERD Online Offering:
4:30 PM
Evening Prayers
Roanoke Ballroom
5:00 PM
Recess of Convention
5:00 PM – 5:30 PM
Election: First Electronic Poll
6:00 PM
Dinner: The color-coded tickets
Roanoke Ballroom
included with your nametag will be collected at the buffet line. Cash bars will be available in the North Foyer following Evening Prayers.
SATURDAY, JANUARY 28, 2023 Online Prayer Requests:
Requests will be prayed for by the diocesan Chapter of the Daughters of the King Prayer Chapel open throughout Convention Tinker Room
7:00 AM
Buffet breakfast available
Regency Room OR Roanoke City Market
or on your own
7:30 AM – 9:00 AM
Coffee and tea available
Crystal / Roanoke Foyer
8:00 AM – 9:00 AM
In-Person Check-In
Crystal Court
9:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Exhibit Hall open
Crystal Ballroom
9:00 AM
Opening Devotion: Seminarian
Roanoke Ballroom
9:00 AM – 10:00 AM
Bishop’s Address & Morning Program
Roanoke Ballroom
10:00 AM – 10:30 AM Coffee Break
Crystal / Roanoke Foyer
10:00 AM – 10:30 AM Election: Second Electronic Poll
10:30 AM – 11:45 AM Morning Program Continues
Roanoke Ballroom
11:45 AM – 12:15 PM Election: Third Electronic Poll
12:00 PM – 1:00 PM
Lunch: The color-coded ticket included with your nametag will be collected at the buffet line. Main Lunch for Delegates and Visitors Roanoke Ballroom Commission on Ministry (invitation only) Pocahontas Youth @ Convention Lunch (youth only) Shenandoah
[Listing in Crystal Foyer]
1:15 PM – 2:45 PM
Mission Workshops
3:00 PM – 3:45 PM
Roanoke Ballroom
Report of Convention Finance Committee: Todd Ayers, Chair
Vote on Adoption of the Budget Report of the Constitution & Canons Committee: Laura Beth Weaver Vote on the Report Report of the Resolutions Committee: Debbie Williams, Chair Vote on the Report
3:45 PM
United Thank Offering Announcement – Maile Armstrong
UTO Online Offering:
3:50 PM – 4:00 PM
Courtesy Resolutions
3:30 PM
Devotion: Seminarian
Recess of Convention Interest groups may hold ad hoc meetings for 15 minutes following Recess Roanoke Ballroom
3:35 – 4:00 PM
(If necessary) Polls Open for Elections: Only lay and clergy
Roanoke Foyer
delegates may vote. Be prepared to show your voting card.
6:00 PM
Buffet Dinner
Roanoke Ballroom A color-coded ticket is included with your nametag. Tickets will be collected at the door. A cash bar will be available in the North Foyer.
7:00 PM
Concert for the Human Family (begins at the end of dinner)
Roanoke Ballroom
The concert is free and open to anyone present at Convention. Tickets are simply being used to take a headcount. Please see staff if you have questions. Those not eating dinner may sit in open seats around the ballroom.
SUNDAY, JANUARY 29, 2023 Online Prayer Requests:
Requests will be prayed for by the diocesan Chapter of the Daughters of the King Prayer Chapel open throughout Convention Tinker Room
7:00 AM
Buffet breakfast available
Regency Room OR Roanoke City Market
or on your own
7:30 – 8:45 AM
Coffee and tea available
Roanoke Foyer
8:45 AM
Rehearsal for Holy Eucharist
Roanoke Ballroom
8:45 – 9:15 AM
(If necessary) Polls Open for Elections
9:45 AM
Youth@Convention-led sing-along
Roanoke Foyer
10:00 AM
HOLY BAPTISM & EUCHARIST: Adults and Youth@Convention Celebrant & Preacher – The Right Reverend Mark A. Bourlakas Clergy vest and process. Green stoles Plate Offering – Grace House Outreach Fund
Roanoke Ballroom
Online Offering:
Necrology Installation of Standing Committee, Convocation Presidents, Convocation Deans, & Disciplinary Board Members Executive Board Members, General Convention Deputies, Provincial Synod Representatives
11:30 AM
BUSINESS SESSION (if necessary)
Roanoke Ballroom
Adjournment Standing Committee meeting immediately following adjournment
Roanoke Ballroom
One Hundred Fourth Annual Convention: January 26—28, 2024
Announcements • Prayer Chapel & Prayer Requests : The Diocesan Chapter of the Daughters of the King invites you to visit the Convention Prayer Chapel in the Tinker Room. The chapel is open at all times to individuals who desire a silent and contemplative place to pray. Prayer requests may be made at any time online using the following online prayer card: • Registration: In-person registration including paying for meals continues at the hotel until 2:00 p.m. on Friday, January 27, 2023. To register, please visit see the check-in table in the Crystal Court lobby. If you need assistance, you may also email Elizabeth Monti at • In-Person Business Sessions for Delegates: All formal business proceedings of this year’s Convention will take place in-person . The in-person meeting format means delegates who desire to exercise voice and vote during business sessions must be present in-person in the Roanoke Ballroom at the Hotel Roanoke. All registered and certified clergy delegates may participate in business sessions. To be certified, delegates must check-in with the Convention Registrar, Kristen Hester. • Delegate Check-In and Certification: After registering in advance online, delegates must be certified by the Convention Registrar Kristen Hester at Convention Check-In. Once certified, you become a “live” delegate and can begin to participate in formal business sessions. If certified, you may also vote in elections for offices such as Standing Committee and Disciplinary Board. Check-in will be in-person only this year. There will be no Zoom check-in. If you have check-in or certification questions, please email Kristen at • Voting Electronically for Elected Offices: This year, elections for offices such as Standing Committee and Disciplinary Board will be facilitated by electronic ballot. You must be a registered and certified delegate to vote. Certification will be in-person only at the hotel, so you must be present at the hotel to vote. At designated polling times, electronic ballots will be emailed to all certified delegates. If you are a delegate and it appears for any reason that you did not receive a ballot by email, please check your SPAM or Promotions folders to make sure ballot emails are not accidently filtered by your email provider. If you check these folders and still have issues, please email Kristen Hester. • Watching Convention Online: Business sessions, Saturday’s morning program, and Sunday worship may be watched online via livestream on the diocesan YouTube Channel at • Orientation for All Delegates: An orientation for all delegates will be held at the beginning of business on Friday, January 27 at 1:15 p.m. Chancellor Loftis and Canon Furlow will review both the procedural and technical aspects of how to participate in Convention this year. • Substitutions of Alternates: Lay alternates who are listed on each parish’s Certificate of Election may serve as a substitute for a delegate if their rector (or in the absence of a rector, a senior warden) formally certifies the substitution with Convention Registrar Kristen Hester. Rectors (or senior wardens) may also email Kristen with certification changes in regard to delegate-alternates substitutions at • Business Session Seating: All business sessions will take place in the Roanoke Ballroom. Delegates and alternates may sit at the round tables. Visitors and guests may sit in the rows of seats along the back and sides of the room. Tables in the ballroom are to remain free of advertisements, solicitations, and handouts not otherwise distributed by Convention staff or volunteers. Please note that alternates who are not actively checked in as “live” delegates for business may not participate in voice votes.
• Evening Prayer: An adapted Evening Prayer service will take place at the conclusion of business on Friday. Although the agenda lists 4:30 p.m. as an approximate time, the time is not definite. Prayers will take place immediately following business. They can be viewed by livestream on the diocesan YouTube channel. All delegates, alternates, and guests are welcome in-person or online. • Sunday Eucharist: A diocesan-wide Convention Eucharist will take place in the Roanoke Ballroom at 10:00 a.m. Sunday, January 29. All are welcome in-person or online. Delegates, alternates, and other diocesan leadership are expected to attend. Bishop Bourlakas will preside and preach. Clergy present in-person are invited to vest and process. Vestments are cassock, surplice, and green stole. Newly elected Convocation Presidents, Convocation Deans, Executive Board members, Standing Committee members, Disciplinary Board members, General Convention deputies & alternates, Provincial Synod representative & alternates, and the new UTO Coordinator will be installed at the service. These elected leaders should arrive in the ballroom around 9:30 a.m. and check-in with the Master of Ceremonies, Canon Jonathan Harris. Churches throughout the Diocese are encouraged to use the service livestream as your principal service on January 29. Please distribute the diocesan YouTube channel link to your congregation: • Concert for the Human Family: On Saturday night following dinner, a special Concert for the Human Family will begin at 7:00 p.m. The concert is produced and sponsored by The Episcopal Church with professional musicians that unite for a genre-crossing performance that celebrates conversation across differences and the message of togetherness. Entry is free. We ask that everyone get tickets to assist the artists with a headcount. However, anyone present may enjoy. The Concert will not be livestreamed. Reserve tickets here: tickets-488884445537. All are welcome. • Exhibit Hall: The Exhibit Hall will be in the Crystal Ballroom this year. This is the best and only appropriate place for parishes, institutions, non-profits, and others to offer handouts, solicitations, sharing information about parish ministries, and selling goods and services. Please contact John Shaner, Exhibit Hall Coordinator for more information at • Convention Meals: The three major meals of Convention will take place in the Roanoke Ballroom at designated times in the agenda. The cost of all three meals (Friday dinner, Saturday lunch, and Saturday dinner) is included in the Convention registration fee. There color-coded meal tickets included with each registered person’s name tag. Please present your ticket when going through the buffet line. All meals are buffets. Those who outlined dietary restrictions on their registration form will receive a special table tent at check-in. • Convention Committees : The Convention Committees including Constitution & Canons, Finance, and Resolutions will meet only as needed. If there are meetings, they will likely occur just after the end of business on Friday. Please contact The Rev. Canon Mark Furlow at if you have questions about these 3 committees. • Standing Committee: The committee with its newly elected members will meet after the business session on Saturday at the head tables for about 15 minutes. • Youth@Convention: Y@C will take at the St. John’s, Roanoke this year. For further information, please contact Canon Jenni Faires at • Commission on Ministry: The Commission on Ministry, seminarians, and their families will meet for lunch on Saturday in the Pocahontas Room. Food and drinks will be delivered directly to the Pocahontas Room. This lunch is invitation-only. • Clergy & Spouse Gathering: There will be no Clergy & Spouse Gathering this year.
• Convention Announcements: Individual or groups that wish to relay specific announcements are invited to submit them in writing to The Canon Mark Furlow at Announcements submitted in a timely fashion with appropriate, streamlined content may be displayed as slides on the ballroom screen.
Report from the Secretary of Convention
General Convention Notices The 80 th General Convention of The Episcopal Church met in Baltimore in July 2022. During its meeting, it proposed three changes to Constitution of The Episcopal Church. As Secretary of Diocesan Convention, I am notifying you of these proposed changes. You may view them at this link: Special Thanks for the 104 th Annual Convention I offer special thanks to the following individuals for their assistance with preparing for the 104 th Convention of The Episcopal Diocese of Southwestern Virginia: Mark Loftis, Diocesan Chancellor Kristen Hester, Registrar Elizabeth Monti, Registration Coordinator Joy Bird, Registration Assistant Sally Parker Willmore, Registration Assistant Josephine Kelley, Convention Minutes Coordinator John Shaner, Exhibit Hall Coordinator Carey Harveycutter, Convention Activities Coordinator Kevin Cole, Head Teller Kathy Kappes, Carey Harveycutter, & Tom Bird, Tellers The Rev. Dick Willis, Ballroom Projectionist Tom DuMontier, Tray Light, and Sarah Lusk, Seminarians The Rev. Cara Ellen Modisett, The Rev. Samson Mamour, The Rev. William Yagel, and The Rev. Ben Cowgill, Workshop Assistants The Rev. Chris Roussell, Standing Committee President Laura Hale, Chair of the Constitution and Canons Committee Todd Ayers, Chair of the Convention Finance Committee Debbie Williams, Chair of the Convention Resolutions Committee Maile Armstrong, Diocesan Coordinator for United Thank Offering Nick Moga, Diocesan Coordinator for Episcopal Relief and Development Canon Jenni Faires, Youth@Convention Coordinator Kory Caudill, Keith Caudill, Marcus Finnie, Justin Smith, Wordsmith, & Sean Truskowski for the Concert for the Human Family Sam Roller, Natalie Pernick, Van Isaacson, & Allison Mahal, Youth@Convention Band Canon Pattie Ames, Concert for the Human Family, Host & Coordinator The Rev. Canon Jonathan Harris, Master of Ceremonies for Sunday Eucharist
Respectfully submitted, The Rev. Canon Mark Furlow, Secretary of Diocesan Convention
Action Items Report on Program and Dispatch of Business
Motion #1 That Robert’s Rules of Order (summary printed in this Convention Booklet) be adopted as the Rules of Convention, subject to the exceptions printed in the Convention Booklet. Motion #2 That the reading of the minutes of the previous day's session of this Convention be omitted and the approval of the minutes of the entire Convention be left to the Bishop and the Secretary. Motion #3 That the printed agenda in this 2023 Convention booklet be adopted as the official agenda of the Convention.
Motion #4 That seat and voice be given to the following: —Presidents, Board Chairs, and Directors of the following institutions: Boys Home of Virginia, Covington Stuart Hall School, Staunton Westminster-Canterbury of Lynchburg, Inc. Virginia Episcopal School, Lynchburg Phoebe Needles Center, Inc., Callaway —Anita Boyd, Director of Grace House on the Mountain —David Todd, Chair of the Grace House on the Mountain Advisory Board —Chief of the Monacan Indian Nation —Diocesan Postulants and Candidates for Holy Orders —The Rev. Marisa Sifontes, Diocesan Missioner for the Beloved Community —Carey Harveycutter, Convention Activities Coordinator —John Shaner, Convention Activities Coordinator
Motion #5 That the Standing Committee shall be the Credentials Committee of Convention, and a member of the Standing Committee shall meet with a representative of the parishes that have not submitted a 2021 parochial report or FY 2021 audit report and make a recommendation to this Convention concerning these parishes’ seat, voice, and vote at this Convention.
Additional Nominations and Elections:
That the nominees for terms to the Trustees of the Funds be approved as follows:
• 5-Year Term: March 1, 2023 through February 28, 2028 o Samuel “Tripp” H. Duerson III, Lynchburg-St. John’s o Kathye Johnston, Blacksburg-Christ Church
That nominees for terms to the Southwestern Virginia Episcopal Fund be approved as follows:
• 3-Year Term: May 1, 2023 through April 30, 2026 o The. Rev. Scott West, Blacksburg-Christ Church o William Kershner, Lynchburg-St. Paul’s o Stephania Tibbs, Tazewell-Stras Memorial That the Convention elect the following nominees to the Commission on Ministry:
• 4-year terms beginning in 2023
o The Rev. Karin MacPhail, Roanoke-St. Elizabeth’s o The Rev. Scott West, Blacksburg-Christ Church o
• 2-Year (unexpired) term beginning in 2023 o Mary Conkling, Roanoke-St. James
Robert’s Rules of Order
3. Debate motions 4. Vote on motions
The general rules of parliamentary procedure set forth in the latest edition of Robert's Rules of Order shall govern the conduct of Convention except if there are other procedures provided by the Diocesan Constitution or Canons or as modified by (i) a motion or Rule of Order proposed by a Committee and approved by a majority of delegates present and voting; or (ii) the unanimous consent of the delegates present and voting. The following summary was prepared from the Introduction to the 12 th Edition of Robert's Rules of Order and from information available from Parliamentary Law is a set of rules for conduct of meetings designed to “enable assemblies of any size, with due regard for every member’s opinion, to arrive at the general will on the maximum number of questions of varying complexity in a minimum amount of time and under all kinds of internal climate.” Organizations using parliamentary procedure usually follow a fixed order of business. Below is a typical example: 1. Call to order. 2. Establishment of a quorum to transact business. 3. Officers reports 4. Committee reports. 5. Special orders (Important business previously designated for consideration at this meeting). 6. Unfinished business. 7. New business. 8. Announcements. 9. Adjournment. The method used by members to express themselves is in the form of motions. A motion is a proposal that the entire membership take action or a stand on an issue. Individual members can:
There are four Basic Types of Motions: 1. Main Motions: The purpose of a main motion is to introduce items to the
membership for their consideration. Main motions cannot be made when any other motion is on the floor, and they yield to privileged, subsidiary, and incidental motions. 2. Subsidiary Motions: Their purpose is to change or affect how a main motion is handled and are voted on before a main motion. 3. Privileged Motions: Their purpose is to bring up items that are urgent about special or important matters unrelated to pending business. 4. Incidental Motions: Their purpose is to provide a means of questioning procedure a. Wait until the last speaker has finished b. Rise and address the Chair c. Wait until the Chair recognizes you a. Speak in a clear and concise manner. b. Always state a motion affirmatively. Say, "I move that we ..." rather than, "I move that we do not ...." c. Avoid personalities and stay on your subject. 3. Wait for someone to second your Motion 4. Another member will second your motion or the Chair will call for a second. 5. If there is no second to your motion, it dies. 6. If seconded, the Chair states your motion a. The Chair will say, "it has been 2. Make Your Motion concerning other motions and must be considered before the other motion.
How are Motions Presented? 1. Obtaining the floor
1. Move a motion 2. Second a motion
moved and seconded that we ..." Thus, placing your motion before
Robert’s Rules of Order (continued)
4. By Division --This is a slight variation of a voice vote. It does not require a count unless the Chair so desires. Members raise their hands or stand. 5. By Ballot -- Members write their vote on a slip of paper or submit their vote through an electronic voting system. This method is used when secrecy is desired. There are two other motions that are commonly used that relate to voting. 1. Motion to Table -- This motion is often used in the attempt to "kill" a motion. The option is always present, however, to "take from the table," for reconsideration by the membership. 2. Motion to Postpone Indefinitely -- This is often used as a means of parliamentary strategy and allows opponents of a motion to test their strength without an actual vote being taken. Also, debate is once again open on the main motion. Parliamentary Procedure is the best way to get things done at your meetings. But it will only work if you use it properly. 1. Allow motions that are in order. 2. Have members obtain the floor properly. 3. Speak clearly and concisely. 4. Obey the rules of debate.
the membership for consideration and action. b. The membership then either debates your motion or may move directly to a vote. c. Once your motion is presented to the membership by the Chair it becomes "assembly property," and cannot be changed by you without the consent of the members. a. The time for you to speak in favor of your motion is at this point in time, rather than at the time you present it. b. The mover is always allowed to speak first. c. All comments and debate must be directed to the Chair. d. Keep to the time limit for speaking that has been established. e. The mover may speak again only
7. Expanding on Your Motion
after other speakers are finished, unless called upon by the Chair. 8. Putting the Question to the Membership a. The Chair asks, "Are you ready to vote on the question?" b. If there is no more discussion, a vote is taken. c. On a motion to move, the previous question may be adapted. Voting on a Motion: The method of vote on any motion depends on the situation and the by-laws or policy of your organization. There are five methods used to vote by most organizations, they are: 1. By Voice -- The Chair asks those in favor to say, "aye," those opposed to say "no." Any member may move for an exact count. 2. By Roll Call -- Each member answers "yes" or "no" as his or her name is called. 3. By General Consent -- When a motion is not likely to be opposed, the Chair says, "if there is no objection ...." The membership shows agreement by their silence; however, if one member says, "I object," the item must be put to a vote.
Most importantly, BE COURTEOUS.
Executive Board Lay Representative Mitzi White, Staunton - Emmanuel
Beth Marshall, St. Paul - St. Mark
Executive Board Clergy
Executive Board Clergy AJ Heine, Staunton - Trinity
John Church, The Appalachian Alliance
Standing Committee - Lay Member Heather Wamsley, Norton - All Saints
Standing Committee - Lay Member Muffie Newell, Staunton - Trinity
Standing Committee- Clergy Member
Standing Committee - Clergy Member
Emily Edmondson, Marion - Christ
No nominee
Disciplinary Board -Lay Member
Disciplinary Board - Lay Member Marty Siebken, Waynesboro - St. John
Christopher Brown, Tazewell - Stras Memorial
Disciplinary Board - Clergy Member John Church, The Appalachian Alliance
Disciplinary Board - Clergy Member Tuck Bowerfind, Lexington - Grace
General Convention Lay Deputy Karen Gilmer, Abingdon - St. Thomas
General Convention Lay Deputy
Erik Boody, Staunton - Trinity
General Convention Clergy Deputy Boyd Evans, Abingdon - St. Thomas
General Convention Clergy Deputy Benjamin Badgett, Waynesboro - St. John
General Convention Lay Alternate Jack Barrow, Abingdon - St. Thomas
General Convention Lay Alternate
Nominee resigned
General Convention Clergy Alternate John Church, The Appalachian Alliance
General Convention Clergy Alternate
No nominee
Provincial Synod Lay Deputy Karen Gilmer, Abingdon - St. Thomas
Provincial Synod Lay Deputy
Eric Swortzel, Folly Mills - Good Shepherd
Provincial Synod Clergy Deputy John Church, The Appalachian Alliance ELECTION AND NOMINATION RESULTS From Fall Convocation Meetings 2022 for Convention 2023 Provincial Synod Clergy Deputy Brian Hutcherson, Non-Parochial
United Thank Offering Coordinator
United Thank Offering Coordinator
No nominee
No nominee
Executive Board Lay Luke Cromwell, Lynchburg
Laura Beth Weaver, Blacksburg - Christ
Susan Bentley, Roanoke - St. James
Executive Board Clergy
Executive Board Lay
Donna Steckline, Arrington - Trinity
Mark Frazier, Christiansburg - St. Thomas Chuck Reedy, Roanoke - Christ
Executive Board Clergy
Executive Board Clergy
William Yagel, Lexington - Grace
Willis Logan, Fincastle - St. Mark
Standing Committee Lay Member Jim Ackley, Lynchburg - St. Paul
Standing Committee Lay Member Ed Champion, Blacksburg - Christ
Standing Committee Lay Member Barbara Johnson, Roanoke - St. John
Standing Committee Clergy Member Chris Roussell, Lynchburg - St. John
Standing Committee Clergy Member Standing Committee Clergy Member
Scott West, Blacksburg - Christ
Karin MacPhail, Roanoke - St. Elizabeth
Disciplinary Board Lay Member John Vandervelde, Amherst - Ascension
Disciplinary Board Lay Member Peggy Weston, Pulaski - Christ
Disciplinary Board Lay Member Brian Loop, Roanoke - St. John
Disciplinary Board Clergy Member
Disciplinary Board Clergy Member Mark Frazier, Christiansburg - St. Thomas
Disciplinary Board Clergy Member
Martha Bennett, Non-Parochial
Nominee resigned
General Convention Lay Deputy Charlie Schindler, Lynchburg - St. John
General Convention Lay Deputy Laura Beth Weaver, Blacksburg - Christ
General Convention Lay Deputy
Mark Loftis, Roanoke - Christ
General Convention Clergy Deputy Nina Salmon, Lynchburg - St. Paul
General Convention Clergy Deputy
General Convention Clergy Deputy Susan Bentley, Roanoke - St. James
Mark Furlow, Non-Parochial
General Convention Lay Alternate
General Convention Lay Alternate Katherine Johnston, Blacksburg - Christ
General Convention Lay Alternate Tim Buchholtz, Roanoke - St. James
No nominee
General Convention Clergy Alternate
General Convention Clergy Alternate General Convention Clergy Alternate
Ben Cowgill, Lynchburg - St. John
Jon Greene, Non-Parochial
Eric Long, Roanoke - St. John
Provincial Synod Lay Deputy Charlie Schindler, Lynchburg - St. John
Provincial Synod Lay Deputy Charlie Herbert, Pulaski - Christ
Provincial Synod Lay Deputy Tim Buchholtz, Roanoke - St. James
Provincial Synod Clergy Deputy Ben Cowgill, Lynchburg - St. John
Provincial Synod Clergy Deputy William Yagel, Radford - Grace
Provincial Synod Clergy Deputy Susan Bentley, Roanoke - St. James
United Thank Offering Coordinator
United Thank Offering Coordinator
United Thank Offering Coordinator
Nominee resigned
No Nominee
Lynn Robertson, Salem - St. Paul
104th Annual Convention
2023 CONVENTION NOMINEE PROFILES Delegates will elect new members to positions of diocesan leadership. All nominees were invited to provide a digital photo and to respond to the following question: In 150 words or less: If elected, I would bring the following strengths to this position. Standing Committee, Lay Member
Heather Wamsley, All Saints, Norton As a member of All Saints, I have served as the vestry clerk, the youth Sunday School instructor, and as a delegate to convention several times. I’m honored to be nominated, and if elected to serve, I want to bring more focus to the Appalachian Alliance in far Southwest Virginia, especially the youth of this area. I will bring to the committee my strong communication skills and my ability to plan and organize efficiently and effectively. I am a mom to three children ranging in ages from teen to toddler. This will lend a unique and much-needed voice to the Standing Committee as we look to attract more families in the Diocese. I am able to lend a unique perspective to the committee being a part of the Appalachian Alliance. All decisions, however, must not be made without first invoking our Almighty Father of all.
Muffie Newell, Trinity, Staunton I would be honored to serve on the Standing Committee. I am a lifelong Episcopalian. I have been a member of Trinity, Staunton since 1989. Through the years, I have been very involved with Christian Formation serving as committee chair, co-chair, youth leader, and Sunday school teacher. In 2013, I was hired as the Assistant for Formation and Pastoral Care under the Rev. Paul Nancarrow coordinating children, youth, and adult formation along with facilitating a pastoral ministry called Trinity Cares. In October 2022, I became the Director of Pastoral Care under the Rev. AJ Heine. For DioSWVA, in 1999 I served a term on the Christian Education Consortium committee under Pam Wiegandt and Dorothy Powell. In 2018, I served as a mentor for LLJG (Living Local Joining God) for St. James, Roanoke. If elected, I will bring to the committee commitment, creative thinking, teamwork, and a sense of humor.
Jim Ackley, St. Paul’s, Lynchburg As a lifelong member of St. Paul's, Lynchburg, where I’ve served in many lay leadership capacities, as well as a former President of the Lynchburg Convocation, nine-year member of the Diocesan Executive Board, three-year member of the Standing Committee, and a member of the Diocese’s most recent Bishop Search Committee, I am very aware of the Diocese and its goals for the future, and feel well prepared to assist the Bishop in developing and implementing a plan to reach those goals.
104th Annual Convention
Ed Champion, Christ, Blacksburg I am a cradle Episcopalian, and I believe we have a lot to share with our community. I have served as Senior Warden and Junior Warden at Christ Church, Blacksburg. For several years I organized our annual parish audit, and I included a host of parishioners in the effort. I sing tenor in the choir. For the last three years, I have served as parish Director of Christian Education. My experience as a Naval Officer, technical salesman, and Harvard MBA have given me a certain perspective on how organizations can improve. I like to think I am a consensus-builder. I believe meetings need an agenda, and that it is better to listen actively than to speak too much.
Barbara Johnson, St. John’s, Roanoke As a cradle Episcopalian who grew up at St. John's and through my professional career as a retired Human Resources executive, I bring experience gained through varied service to both my parish and the Diocese. My parish involvement has included youth work, EfM mentor, vestry service, including supporting two rectors as senior warden, chairing the Endowment Board, co-chairing a major capital campaign, and leading two rector search committees. I have served as a delegate to Annual Convention on several occasions, currently serve on the diocesan Commission on Ministry, and co chaired the most recent Bishop Search and Nominating Committee. I would be honored to serve as a Lay Member on the Standing Committee.
Standing Committee, Clergy Member
The Rev. Emily Edmondson, Christ, Marion I have had the privilege of serving Christ, Marion since 2012. In my time as clergy, I have served one successful term on the Standing Committee. I currently serve on the Commission on Ministry, the Board of Trustees of Boys’ Home, and I am on the Boards of the Mountain to Mountain Partnership and Grace House on the Mountain. If elected, I will bring years of Diocesan experience to the Standing Committee with a firm commitment to serving God in his church.
The Rev. Chris Roussell, St. John’s, Lynchburg It has been a privilege to have served these past two years on the Standing Committee for the remaining tenure of the Rev. Shelby Owen. I've been honored to serve as the committee's president since the last General Convention. The work of certifying the elections of bishops in our church and working closely with Bishop Mark and diocesan staff in discerning the will of our Lord Jesus Christ has been rewarding, and I would be honored to be entrusted with a full tenure.
104th Annual Convention
The Rev. Scott West, Christ, Blacksburg I've served the church for the past 28 years as a deacon, deacon-in-charge of a congregation, and rector, having served the last 15 years in the Diocese of Southwestern Virginia as Rector of Christ Church, Blacksburg. Over that time period, I've served on the Executive Board, Dean of the New River Convocation, Diocesan Historiographer, Board of Examining Chaplains, the Commission on Ministry, the Phoebe Needles Board, and a previous term on the Standing Committee and as president of the Standing Committee for two years. I bring a clear understanding of the Episcopal Church and how it is governed as well as listening and pastoral sensibilities.
The Rev. Karin MacPhail, St. Elizabeth’s, Roanoke I would welcome a chance to serve on the Standing Committee. I have been a priest for 18 years, and I've served as rector of St. Elizabeth's for the past five years. I currently serve on the Commission on Ministry and Trustees of the Funds in this diocese. I have served as President of Trustees of the Funds, served a term on the board of the Southwestern Virginia Episcopal Fund, and was elected to serve as a General Convention Deputy. Before coming to this diocese, I previously served both small and large parishes in the Diocese of Virginia.
Disciplinary Board, Lay Member
Christopher Brown, Stras Memorial, Tazewell I am a cradle Episcopalian with 28 years of work experience in healthcare finance, information technology, project consulting, and leadership. I have served at Stras Memorial Episcopal Church in Tazewell as a vestry officer (both senior and junior warden). I currently serve as church treasurer, organist, and lay minister. I have been active in DioSWVA having been an Executive Board Member and currently sit on the board of Grace House on the Mountain. I would be honored to serve as a Disciplinary Board Lay Member. If elected, I will represent the diocese with leadership experience and the utmost integrity.
Martin Siebken, St. John’s, Waynesboro I have been a member of St. John's Waynesboro for 32 years and have worn many hats during that time including vestry membership, youth leader, and EFM Mentor. I have also served as a Convention Delegate for St. John's, and I am very familiar with the polity of the Episcopal Church and the Diocese of Southwest Virginia. Professionally I have held leadership roles requiring managing personnel issues objectively and fairly. I also serve on the Augusta County Recycle Board and chair the steering team for the CWS CROP Hunger Walk in Waynesboro/East Augusta County. If elected, I will serve to the best of my abilities.
104th Annual Convention
John Vandervelde, Ascension, Amherst Over the past 40 years, I have been a member of Christ Church - Blacksburg, Ascension Church - Amherst, and Holy Comforter - Richmond. At these parishes, I have served in youth and adult Christian Formation, mentored an EFM group, served on vestries and a search committee, and built and repaired various things in and around the church buildings. I am currently on the vestry at Ascension Church. I live in Amherst with my wife, Brooke, but I am frequently out sailing on the Chesapeake Bay.
Peggy Weston, Christ, Pulaski My candidacy for the Disciplinary Board engages my background as a professional administrator. I am a member of Christ Church, Pulaski and the spouse of a retired Episcopal priest. My experience includes involvement as EFM mentor, member of a rector search committee, and eight years as parish administrator for a large Episcopal congregation in Scottsdale, AZ. As a grief counselor, I became trainer then coordinator for the Episcopal Church’s program “Walking the Mourner’s Path.” I’ve served in leadership supporting women’s ministry groups, particularly Kairos Outside Prison Ministry. My background in administration and human resources for hospital inpatient and outpatient settings includes managing physicians’ medical practices, residency teaching clinics, and clinically in psychiatry and drug/alcohol treatment. I’m sensitive to requirements of canonical structure and the church’s polity and would support and uphold the concerns of this obligation as member of this board.
Brian Loop, St. John’s, Roanoke For most of the past 15 years, I have been involved with the Diocesan Youth Mission Team (YMT) to facilitate youth events throughout the year. I have also been involved with our Diocesan link with the Diocese of Leeds. We are working on re-establishing our parish links, and coordinating, hosting, and chaperoning the Leeds Youth Exchange Program. At St. John’s, I have been very active in the youth programs, working with high school and middle school youth groups, teaching confirmation classes, and serving as Verger working with our Acolytes. I have worked streaming services since the beginning of Covid, and we’ve continued this offering ever since. I have worked in the Electrical Distributor business for the past 29 years. My wife Jocassa and I have two children, Christian and Hatley, and our basset hound Rosie.
Disciplinary Board, Clergy Member
The Rev. John Church, The Appalachian Alliance I would be honored to serve The Diocese of Southwestern Virginia in any office to which I have been nominated. I will bring the experience of my two-year Curacy in the Appalachian Alliance. I am also coming up on my first year as Priest-in-Charge of the Alliance. I have extensive experience working with Grace House, Binns-Counts Community Development Center, and Neighbors Aid. I will bring a unique voice from far Southwestern Virginia, highlighting the experiences and needs of parishes located in the area. I have served several times on the Executive Board and look forward to serving the Diocese in the future.
104th Annual Convention
The Rev. Tuck Bowerfind, Grace, Lexington I was ordained a priest 1992 in the Diocese of Ohio where I served eight years as Associate Rector at St. Paul's, Cleveland Heights. The work of the Disciplinary Board is not just sanctioning misbehavior. Members of the Clergy have by their vows at ordination accepted additional responsibilities and accountabilities for doctrine, discipline, worship, and obedience. The Disciplinary Board helps to resolve conflicts by promoting healing, repentance, forgiveness, restitution, justice, amendment of life, and reconciliation among all involved or affected. Every situation that comes to the Board is unique and requires pastoral discernment. I believe I can be of service in that discernment with over 30 years of ministry in four dioceses in a wide range of settings.
The Rev. Martha Kimsey Bennett, Non-Parochial I am a deacon from the Lynchburg Convocation, currently serving at Trinity, Arrington. I hold a Master of Arts in Theology from Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena, California, and attended The School of Theology at the University of the South, studying in the Alternative Clergy Training Program (ACTS). I have lived and worked with Christian communities in Canada, the UK, Thailand, and the Philippines. This has given me a broad understanding of the richness of the Church around the world, our hopes, dreams, and challenges as we live into the 21st century as God’s people. In recent years, I worked as a hospital and hospice chaplain in SC and VA. I also work alongside my husband producing documentary films, an endeavor which has taken us to Turkey and Italy to film projects related to the early church. We reside in Amherst County and have two adult children and two border collies!
The Rev. Mark Frazier, St. Thomas, Christiansburg I have been rector of St. Thomas since 2016 and a clergy member of the Diocese since 2008. I served previously as rector at Emmanuel, Bristol and as long-term supply clergy at St. Paul’s, Saltville. After ordination in 2001, I served parishes in the dioceses of New Jersey and Central New York, where I was a member of the Ecclesiastical Court (forerunner of the Disciplinary Board) and Commission on Ministry. In this Diocese, I have served on the Executive Board, the Finance Working Group, and as Dean of both the Abingdon and New River Convocations. I am bi-vocational and am currently assistant professor of biology at Radford University Carilion in Roanoke. In 2017, I traveled to England to be admitted as a member of the Society of Ordained Scientists. I‘ve been married to my wife Amy for 34 years, and we have four daughters.
General Convention, Lay Deputy
Karen Gilmer, St. Thomas, Abingdon I am a cradle Episcopalian and lifetime member of St. Thomas, Abingdon. Before the pandemic, I was active with the introduction of Living Local, Joining God at St. Thomas, convener of the Community Living Committee, and an Usher. More recently, I have been active as a member of the Diocesan Executive Board and Finance Committee, as well as Abingdon Convocation President. If elected to serve as your General Convention Lay Deputy, I will responsibly represent DioSWVA at the 2024 General Convention in Louisville, KY by soaking up as much knowledge as possible throughout the proceedings and relaying it back to you. 20
104th Annual Convention
Erik Boody, Trinity, Staunton I have been a member of Trinity Staunton for more than twenty years. In that time, I have been a Sunday school teacher, participated in adult and youth mission trips to Honduras, serve on the property committee, and I just completed my second term as junior warden. These activities have given me many opportunities to work with various groups and committees in the church and learn how to work well together with different groups of people.
Charlie Schindler, St. John’s, Lynchburg I am a cradle to grave Episcopalian. I have been at St. John's, Lynchburg since 2009. I have served in numerous positions to include vestry, vestry nominating committee, search committee chair, VBS, men's breakfast, numerous mission trips, youth group, Eucharistic minister, acolyte organizer, and many more. I am a VMI graduate with a mechanical engineering degree. I spend most of my time helping with church and am the Scout Master for Troop 7. I have been a delegate for St. John's for about 10 years and feel it is time for me to look out and find new opportunities to serve the great people of this diocese.
Laura Beth Weaver, Christ, Blacksburg It would be an honor to serve as a General Convention Lay Deputy. I attended as an alternate this past summer and thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity to participate in the process, meet others from across the country, and support the growth and mission of our larger congregation. I have served on my parish Vestry, share leadership for our Children's Chapel programming, serve on the Constitution & Canons Convention Committee, and facilitate Safeguarding God's Children for my parish and via Zoom for the diocesan-wide offerings. I am currently in my first term as President of the NRV Convocation. Professionally, I bring experience answering the National Suicide Hotline, providing services to victims of sexual and domestic violence, and providing leadership to a local non-profit organization. My husband and I are raising our children among the saints at Christ Church and live on our family's farm near Riner.
Mark Loftis, Christ, Roanoke I have been a practicing attorney for more than 33 years with Woods Rogers (now Woods Rogers Vandeventer Black) in Roanoke, and have had the privilege of serving as Chancellor of the Diocese since 2008. As Chancellor, I have followed the work of past General Conventions and assisted our Diocesan leadership in implementing changes to our policies, procedures, and operations to comply with General Convention Resolutions and Canonical revisions. I would welcome the opportunity to utilize my legal skills and experience and my knowledge of Church governance issues as a Lay Deputy to General Convention.
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