Community Foundation of the Virginias 2023 Annual Report



In Honor of

Mr. James David Bailey

Vineyard Street

Ms. Lynda M. Drye

Doris Sue Kantor's Birthday Ken and Rick Kendrick Doris Sue Kantor's Birthday Josh Kantor's 30th Birthday Doris Sue Kantor's 90th Birthday and David M. Katz's 85th Birthday Jackson Hurst's High School Graduation

James and Diane Gatherum Ms. Suzanne H. Gross Mr. and Mrs. Norris Kantor David and Susan Katz

Carl and Linda Mariotti

Mr. Drew Marrs

Bill Marrs’ Birthday - Grandfather

The Marshall Miller Foundation, Inc. Beverly and Randy Phillips Jeffrey Katz and Ila Rosenthal John and Dr. Abbie Youklilis

Mr. and Mrs. Don Pelliello

Janet A. Williams Doris Sue Kantor

Doris Sue and Norris Kantor


Julie Johnson, President Gene Bailey, Vice President Mary Jo Babbitt, Secretary Melinda Testerman, Treasurer Board Members Class of 2023 : Jack Asbury; Mary Jo Babbitt; Julie Johnson; Doris Sue Kantor; Dan Shortridge Class of 2024: Mary Azzo; Peter Taylor; Daniel Wells Class of 2025: Gene Bailey; Deborah Garton; Craig Hammond; Stacey Hicks; Rick Kendrick Class of 2026: Kathleen Blaydes; Tom Chaffins; Samuel Hill; Cathy Corte Payne; Mike Swatts; Melinda Testerman

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