

TONY HUDDLESTON TROUT RODEO This event will test your youths fishing ability. Over 300 fish will be stocked in the local, Izaak Walton pond for the rodeo. Each child will be allowed to catch up to 4 fish in the 2-hour time slot that is allotted. Goodie bags and T-shirts will be given to the first 100 pre-registered participants . There will be many giveaways and potential raffles. Day of registrations/check-in will take place from 12:00noon to 2:00pm . Fishing takes place from 2:00pm to 4:00pm, with awards, giveaways and raffles following. Registration Dates Eligibility Date Time Location Fees Open through Oct 4 Ages 4-15 October 5 12:00 pm-5:00 pm Izaak Walton Park FREE ARCHERY CLINIC This clinic is instructed by Lesa Miller, a 4H archery instructor, along with staff. This will be a great fundamental archery clinic. Each participant will learn all the basics to being a great archer. Participants are taught about safety, correct equipment usage, range etiquette, and along with basics on using a bow. This a safe and educational clinic for your child. Registration Dates Eligibility Date Time Location Fees Open through Oct 16 Ages 8 – 15 October 17 9:00 am-11:00 am Izaak Walton Park $15.00 “FALL BRAWL” NERF CHALLENGE This event will test your skills in both accuracy and stealth as you and your teammates work to capture the opponent’s flags. You will be split up into teams of 5, for the competition. You may bring one of your own nerf blasters with you. We will also have some provided if you don’t have one and would like to participate. Registration Dates Eligibility Date Time Location Fees Sept 5 - Oct 12 Ages 8 – 15 October 18 2:00 pm Recreation Center $5.00 CHS HOLIDAY VOLLEYBALL CAMP This camp will be instructed by Morgan Taylor, her staff and some of the players from the CHS Volleyball program. They will be teaching the fundamentals of volleyball to all participants. You will get instruction on serving, bumping, setting and spiking. This will be a great way to the get children some exercise during the holiday break. Registration Dates Eligibility Date Time Location Fees Nov. 4 - Dec. 27 Ages 8 – 13 December 30 9:00 am-11:00 am Recreation Center $15.00


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