Catholic Campus Ministry Newsletter 2024 Issue 2
Ma r go t E l l e r D i r e c t o r o f De v e l opmen t de v e l opmen t@c a t ho l i chok i e . o r g D i r e c t o r o f Campu s M i n i s t r y d i r e c t o r@c a t ho l i chok i e . o r g F r . Tom Yeh l , Y . A . Chap l a i n chap l a i n@c a t ho l i chok i e . o r g Ch r i s H i t z e l be r ge r
Fall Retreat Reflection: The Power of Accompaniement
“I attended Fall Retreat for the first time, not knowing what God had planned for me. Over the summer and into the start of the semester, I felt distant from him and struggled to hear his voice. During a free period at the retreat, I felt an unexpected pull to speak with the missionaries - a step I’ve always been hesitant to take. Not knowing what to say or even how to pray with the missionaries, I pre-planned the conversation, thinking that it would only last ten minutes. After what seemed like a speech about what I was struggling with, I was asked, ”How do you think Jesus looks at you?” This question overwhelmed me with unexpected emotion and allowed me to share deep-rooted feelings that I have never vocalized. That conversation was truly life-changing and allowed me to feel God’s presence and love after months of spiritual desolation.” - Meredith, Junior
Save the Date: First Annual Newman Weekend
Mark your calendars for the First Annual Newman Weekend next spring. Reconnect with your Catholic Hokie friends, participate in service projects at the Newman House, and enjoy the sacraments like you did as a student! You can also register for Virginia Tech’s Alumni Weekend to enjoy university programming in addition to the ministry’s free events.
JUNE 5-8
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