
“If you have come here to help me, you are wasting your time. But, if you have come because your liberation is bound up with mine, then let us work together.” — Lilla Watson

As donors, board members, employees, volunteers, and community partners, we share one very beautiful commonality. Our liberation is bound up in those with whom we share our lives. Bryan Stevenson, Lawyer and Social Justice Activist, states, “The opposite of poverty isn’t wealth; the opposite of poverty is justice.” The founding principles of CHIP acknowledge that liberation often requires the establishment of justice, as true freedom cannot exist without addressing underlying inequalities and injustices. In essence, justice plays a crucial role in achieving meaningful liberation for individuals and communities. At CHIP, we begin this journey of liberation in the home and in the heart. We work in solidarity, and not in the role of “savior.” Working in solidarity rather than adopting a “savior” role is crucial. Solidarity involves collaboration, respect, and recognizing the agency and expertise of our families.

It is with immense gratitude and heartfelt appreciation that I extend my sincerest thanks to all of you for your unwavering support of CHIP of the Roanoke Valley. Your contributions, whether through financial support, time and effort as volunteers, or collaboration as partner organizations, have been the driving force behind our success. Your involvement has not only touched the lives of individuals but has also contributed to the betterment of our entire community. Our donors have shown remarkable generosity, enabling us to expand our outreach and provide essential resources to those who need them the most. Your belief in our cause and willingness to invest in the well-being of families has been truly inspirational. To our dedicated volunteers, your selfless commitment to the cause is nothing short of extraordinary. Your time, energy, and passion have made a profound difference in the lives of the families we serve and our team members. Your dedication embodies the spirit of compassion and community. CHIP’s nurses and family case managers, the heart and soul of our organization, have consistently gone above and beyond to ensure the success of our programs. Your hard work, dedication, and tireless efforts are the driving force behind our mission’s accomplishments. Lastly, CHIP’s partner organizations have been instrumental in our ability to provide comprehensive support to families. Your collaboration has strengthened our collective impact, allowing us to effectively address a broader range of needs. Together, we have created a powerful network of support. As we look to the future, we are filled with hope and determination to continue our vital work. Your contributions are a testament to the power of community and the potential for positive change when we unite for a common cause.

— Warm regards, Rachel B. Hopkins, CEO


Board of Directors

Members of the Board

Felicity Adams Kristin Adkins

Carilion Clinic

Roanoke City/Alleghany Health Districts

Dr. E. Lynn Anderson Jeanne Armentrout

Roanoke City Public Schools

Executive Committee Molly O’Dell Vice President Kristofer Rau Secretary President

Carilion Clinic

Luthur Beazley Evan Deyerle Robert Gard Heather Gunn Doug Henson Macel Janoschka Dana Jennings

Retired Pediatrician

Emerging Leader member Physicians to Children

Arrow’s Aim Advancement Services

Grayson Hollingsworth

Carilion Clinic


Rhonda Shannon Rachel Hopkins

Frith Anderson & Peake


Rooanoke City Dept. of Social Services Roanoke City Dept. of Social Services

Steven Martin

Alison Matthiessen

Appriss Health News Anchor Delta Dental

Brittny McGraw Chad McIntosh

Douglas E. Pierce, M.D.

Founder, Retired Pediatrician

Sally Southard

Retired Pediatric Nurse Practitioner Kathy Stockburger Consulting Wells Fargo Commercial Capital

Kathy Stockburger Matthew Thomas

Thania Torres Lisa Uherick Stacie Wright

Casa Latina Roanoke Valley

Carilion Clinic

Montgomery County Public Schools

Marissa Yi

Bella Muse Photography

Thoughts from Molly O’Dell A home should provide a child with its basic needs. According to the Annie E. Casey Foundation 2022 report, basic needs include nutritious food, stable housing, and a safe neighborhood where parents are financially stable enough to foster positive mental health and wellness. Unfortunately, many children’s basic needs are not being met in the U.S., Virginia, or the Roanoke Valley. Last year, in fact, key state child outcomes worsened, including low birthweight births, child and teen deaths, and child and teen overweight and obesity rates; plus disparities have worsened for Black, Native American, and Hispanic children. In the most recent March of Dimes report, a grade of D+ was issued on preterm births, and the maternal vulnerability index (MVI) in Roanoke is in the 2nd highest quintile, meaning moms who call Roanoke home are at higher risk for adverse health outcomes influenced by clinical, social, contextual, and environmental factors. During my four decades in medicine, one thing has proved to transcend such data, and that is home visiting. For that reason, I am so very grateful to the individuals, families and foundations who have supported the work at CHIP, the board members who provide leadership and the staff members at CHIP who truly transform lives in the neighborhoods we all call home. After thirty-plus years, our work is still cut out for us. Many more homes need our work, and we are up to the challenge. Thank you to each of you who has contributed your time and resources to improve the lives of our children!


How Community Support Spreads Outward

Community Foundation Serving Western Virginia We are so grateful to the Foundation and its generous donors for awarding us grants and gifts through the generosity of: Henry and Ethel Bazak Children’s Book Fund The Earl D. and Carrie Leigh Doran Fund Rand and Jan Garrett Fund The McClung Family Fund The Marty and Sherry Robison Family Fund The Spetzler Fund The Stavola Fund Martha and Nelson Teague Fund

During the 2022-2023 fiscal year, CHIP of Roanoke Valley provided: 2,706 in-home visits by CHIP nurses 968 instances of nutrition education 1,113 instances of dental education 2,084 instances of parenting education 1,132 instances of home safety education 1,639 instances of health education 315 transports to healthcare appointments

CHIP served 517 children from 349 low-income families across 6 cities and counties. CHIP provided 49 individuals with free counseling. Our nurses helped care for 40 children with asthma and extended care to 59 expectant mothers. 28% of enrolled children we serve are ages 12 months and under.


Dr. Doug Pierce on the Importance of Home

When we started CHIP in 1987, we wanted to create a program that would feel like a big family. In order to do this, we had to develop a home visitation program that would welcome our CHIP workers into our recipients’ homes like family members. The home visitation segment of CHIP has always been the hallmark of our whole program. Much of the success of our CHIP program is due to the love and concern our workers have shown in the homes of our CHIP families. Also, our mission would not have been nearly as successful had it not been for the wonderful generosity of the Roanoke Valley. Barbara and I have recently relocated to an Independent Living apartment. The importance of Home has never been more important to us. Like our CHIP Families have experienced, our “new family of friends” helps to make our new residence a home.

The families we serve see CHIP of Roanoke Valley as “a light that brings hope”.

—MS, CHIP Home Visiting Nurse


An Inside Look at our Financial Health Resources & commitments for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2023





$77,889 185, 068

$114,740 158,441

Donations support these programs: Asthma Case Management

Current Pledges & Grants Receivable Third Party Receivables & Other AR

44,809 12,730

36,111 15,083

Other Current Assets Total Current Assets



Oral Health

Investments in Marketable Securities Non-Current Pledges Receivable Fixed Assets (less Accumulated Depreciation)



Family Strengthening Services





Health Care Coordination

Total Non-Current Assets

$3,548,917 $3,869,413

$3,729,459 $4,053,835


Medically Needy & NICU Case Management

CURRENT LIABILITIES Accounts Payable & Payroll Liabilities

Pregnant Moms Program



Mental Health Counseling

Other Current Liabilities49,140






NET ASSETS Undesignated Funds

$1,610,218 2,072,200

$1,635,903 2,227,360

Board Designated Endowment Funds with Donor Restrictions







$3,869,413 $4,053,835

Ratios of Financial Efficiency Revenue to Expenses Ratio: 55%

Program to Total Expenses Ratio: 82% Program Expenses............................. $1,439,358 Total Expenses..................................... $1,748,232 CHIP fulfills our mission, as well as donor expectations, by spending 82% of total functional expenses in direct support of our programs. Donors support CHIP with confidence, knowing their gifts are used responsibly to impact lives in our community.

Unrestricted Contributions. .............. $829,406 Total Revenue...................................... $1,510,826 Over half of CHIP of Roanoke Valley’s annual revenue is comprised of unrestricted contributions (General contributions, UnitedWay, Third Party Reimbursement). This diverse mix of revenue sources allows CHIP to remain sustainable and adaptable.


REVENUE: $1,510,826 Before In-Kind

EXPENSES: $1,748,232 Before In-Kind

7% Fundraising $105,684

12% Administration $203,190

36% Contributions net of fundraising costs $537,087

30% CHIP of Virginia $458,151

14% Education $248,287

12% Third party reimbursements $184,365

11% Local government grants $162,200

4% Interest, dividend income, distributions $65,953

28% Family strengthening $486,890

4% Federal & state grants $61,070

40% Care coordination $704,181

3% United Way $42,000


Heartfelt gifts In memory of We thank the donors who made special gifts in memory of the following individuals. Their memory lives on in our hearts and through our service to others.

Stewart Baucom Mervin Brower Susan Campbell David Chittum Barney and Mary Feldmann Lynn B. Fuss Ronnie Garvey Jean Glontz

Leigh and Frances Hanes James Mabe William Moles James Murtaugh Barbara Putney Daniel and Belva Stevens John Welfare ChipWoodrum

Special people whose legacy of love now blesses others in need.

In honor of We are truly grateful for the donors who have made special gifts in honor of the following individuals and groups. They brighten our days, lift our spirits, and bring us hope.

Alpha Eta Chapter Brenda Anderson Becky Carter Nalliene Chavez & Robert Brown Sherry Childress Clients of Lou Ellis Wells Fargo Advisors Kathy Cohen

Katrina Goode The Guilfoyles Doctor Hugh Hagan Dr. Albert Hagy, Jr. Robin Haldiman The Hales Johanna Henretta Dr. & Mrs. John Henretta Mrs. Kate Henretta Dr. Hayden Hollingsworth Donny Holloway

Vashist Nobbee, M.D. Pastor & Christine Molly O’Dell Howard Packett Doug & Barbara Pierce Marj & Lucian Robinson Linda Shiner Leigh Powell & Janet Spitzer Kathy & Bruce Stockburger Sally Southard Diane & Art Strickland Amelia Tames Linda Taney Dr. Joseph Tims Linda Vaden Charles VanAllman, Jr. Sandy & Ed Via Dr. Melanie Walter

Dr. Frank Cotter Constance Crites Tasha Cummings Dr. Charles Daniel The Darrs Judy Dickenson Lauren & Austin Eells Diane & Bill Elliot Kathy Finnegan John & Jerrie Frye

Ginny Jarrett Dr. Ishok John

Dr. David Kagey Gina Kempton Lewis Gale Pediatrics Department

Erica & Paul Marer Alison Matthiessen Edwin McGrath Doctor Craig Mitchell

Gerry Fuss, Jr. Julie Ann Fuss Anita Garland Rebecca Garland Mr. & Mrs. Robert Garland Teresa Garland Jim Gear

Darrell & Carolyn Whitt Dr. & Mrs. Jack Williams Dr. Erik Womeldorf Maddy Woods

Pamela Murray Dr. Carl Musser Tammy Nagy, RN Ms. Lewis Nelson


Our amazing volunteers! Alice D. Ackerman

Drs. Robert and Nadia Gard Ruth Gray Heather Gunn Aynsley Haviland Grayson Hollingsworth

Stefenie Martin Steve Martin Alison Matthiessen Brittny McGraw Chad McIntosh Chris McMenamin Taylor McMillion Gavin Mills Elizabeth M. Morley Clara J. Nash William A. Nash Michele Odell Maisie Page Douglas E. Pierce Abby Pitts Price Family Kris Rau

Abby Rice Jake Robertson Giulia Rossini

Kristin Adkins John Aldridge Eric Lynn Anderson Luthur A. Beazley Sasha Blackwood Emmerson Bledsoe Cynthia Bowman Vanessa Brown Emily Chitwood Ryan Coe Kevin Cronise Daphne E. Damen Cooper Davis Donna W. Deadrick Evan Deyerle Connor Gallagher

Patrick N. Shaffner Rhonda Shannon Sally Southard Kathy Graves Stockburger Matthew Thomas Loretta Tondola Thania Torres Frank P. Turk Lisa A. Uherick CalebWingfield Stacie Wright Marissa Yi MimYoung Christine Zimmerman

Bella Hopkins Isha Hopkins Macel Janoschka Dana Jennings Nikki King John Krath Farahaba Lakhdir Emily Leonard Estabo Luna-Quetell Hector Luna-Quetell Diane Machado Edward J. Machado

One CHIP-enrolled family expresses deep gratitude and refers to CHIP as “angels that arrived when the family needed themmost”.


Our 600+ donors We are grateful beyond words for their generosity Dr. Alice D. Ackerman & Dr. Sandy L. Fogel Dr. & Mrs. Dana C. Ackley Ms. Amanda Adkins Carilion Clinic Ms. Linda Albert Merritt Allaun Elizabeth Allison Allstate Giving Campaign Alpha Eta Chapter, Delta Kappa Gamma Society Meaghan Altice AmazonSmile Foundation

American National Bank and Trust Company American Online Giving Foundation, Inc. Dr. Kathy G. Amoroso & Dr. Steven G. Harris Caitlin Anderson Eric Lynn Anderson Mr. & Mrs. Briggs Andrews Ms. Lisa Angle Anonymous Donor Art in Situ Hannah Ayers Ms. Rhesa Bailey & Mr. Russell Bailey Mrs. Lisa Bain Mr. & Mrs. Mark M. Bair Lisa Baker Dr. & Mrs. Joseph W. Baker Bamboo Health Jeff Barbour Donna & John Batzel Ben & Suzanne Bazak Ms. Barbara Beach Dr. & Mrs. Luthur A. Beazley Bedford Community Health Foundation, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Robert Beightol Ms. Elizabeth H. Belcher Bent Oaks Manor Mary Beverly Mrs. Mary T. Bivens Michael Blanton Mrs. Barbara Bockner Mr. & Mrs. Steven G. Bodley Botetourt County Board of Supervisors Jaime Barcenas Ms. Julie Barnett Crystal Barnett Mr. & Mrs. D. Stan Barnhill Mrs. Mary L. Barritt Dr. & Mrs. A. Sidney Barritt III Dr. & Mrs. Vincent T. Basile

Valeria Brandt Ms. Laura L. Brenner Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Brock, Jr. Christina Brooks Mrs. Mary Brooks Mrs. Blanche Brower D. Shea Brown Marie Brown Mr. Robert Brown Lydia Bryant Mr. & Mrs. Brad R. Buie Molly Burke Liza Burks Bryan Burr Mr. & Mrs. Richard Burrow Mary Margaret Burtis Anastacia Burton Heather Byrd Mr. Stanford Byrd Tiffany Canterbury Rebecca Cantrell Mary Carlin Mr. Shawn A. Carpenter Kerry Carswell Carter Machinery Company, Inc. Mr. William J. Carter Lonna Carter Jennifer Casteel Centra Health, Inc. Ceres Foundation Inc. Ms. Louise K. Chagnon Ms. Pearl Chiu Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church Nicole Cimino-Fiallos Lauren Clark Dr. & Mrs. Joe Clark Mr. W. R. Claytor, Jr. Linnea Clompus Joe Cobb The Helen C. Cobbs Foundation

Steven Cochran Mr. David Cohan

Lindsey Coley Coley Law Firm Janelle Collins Colonial Downs Group, LLC Community Foundation Serving Western Virginia Mrs. Katy Coniglione Britney Conrad Dr. & Mrs. John Conrad Hadassah Coolac Gerald Coopey Ms. Amanda Copeland Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Copeland Novlette Copperman Jason Corbett Oden Cornwell III Covenant Presbyterian Church Ms. Jennifer Cox Michael Cox Country Corner Farms, Inc. Ms. Susan Craft Jon Crawford Heather Crawford Jessica Creasy Mr. & Mrs. L. E. Crowder Mary Ann Crowder

Mike &Wendy Cuiksa Cyndi & Steve Culver Mrs. Linda & Dale Curd Jes Curtin Nicki Dabney Alexandra Dailey Ms. Melissa Danforth Ms. Kaitlin Daniels Mr. Russell M. Danstrom Ms. Pat Davidson Kelly Ann Davis Ms. Peggy C. Davis

Dr. & Mrs. Paul Bowles Amber Bowles-Mitchell Mr. & Mrs. David G. Boyd Mr. & Mrs. David Boyes


Jennifer Dean Katie DeCoster Dr. & Mrs. Russell Delaney Laura Delgado

Mr. & Mrs. Albert Gard III Drs. Robert & Nadia Gard Ms. Laura Garden Christina Gardner Mr. & Mrs. Ray L. Garland Brian Garland

Mr. Keith Heischober Justin Hendricks Ms. Susan H. Henley Ms. Johanna Henretta Sarah Henshaw Teresa Hernandez Angie Hernandez Mr. F. Staley Hester, Jr.

Delta Dental of Virginia Foundation Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Roanoke Alumnae Chapter Dr. John S. DeVerter Dr. & Mrs. William Deyerle Dr. & Mrs. Shelby C. Dickerson Dr. Allison K. Divers & Dr. David L. Williams Angela Dobbins Ms. Shannon Dominguez Christine Donald Shellie Dotterer Dr. Kevin Ducey & Dr. Minh-Chau T. Dang Dr. & Mrs. F. Joseph Duckwall Mr. John M. Duckworth Ms. Lori Dudley Amber Dunn Mrs. Randi Earls Mr. Lacy & Carol L. Edwards Mrs. Carol M. Edwards Mrs. Kristin Elder Jacob Elias Mr. & Mrs. Frank T. Ellett Robin Elliott Mr. & Mrs. Louis and Rebecca Ellis Mrs. Doris N. Ennis Dr. Allen Eskenazi & Dr. Joan Fisher Ms. Jennifer Evans Alisa Evans Dorros Evans Mary Fain Families Forward Farmburguesa Amber Farrington Emily Faris

Mrs. Jan Garrett Kathryn Garrett Gentry Locke Attorneys The Elbyrne G. Gill Eye and Ear Foundation Give Lively

Mr. David Higginbotham Dr. & Mrs. James N. Hiken Mr. & Mrs. Joe Hoff Garrett & Grayson Hollingsworth Dr. J. Hayden Hollingsworth Macel Holloway Matthew Holzer Ms. Joan E. Hoover Cynthia Hopkins Ms. Rachel Hopkins Teri Hostetter The HRSA Grants Application Center Mrs. Mary Hubbard Mrs. Dixie Huff Ashleigh Huggard Ms. Mary Hundley Julie Hunsaker Dr. Lowell F. Inhorn & Ms. Cynthia J. Petzold Mr. Kyle Inman Mr. Nolan Jackson Cassiopea Jacobs Evelyn F. James Foundation Karen Janoschka Mrs. Macel Janoschka Nadean Jarels Mr. & Mrs. Dallas G. Jarrell Mrs. Una Jeremiah John T. Morgan Roofing & Sheet Metal Caroline Johnson

Dr. Gary Glontz Jessica Godfrey Jessica Goens

Mrs. Kelly Goldsmith Elizabeth Goldsmith Mrs. Kelly Goldsmith Congressman & Mrs. Robert W. Goodlatte Ms. Patricia Gose GrahamWhite Manufacturing Co. Justin & Ruth Gray Lindsey Grealish Drs. Mark & Joanne Greenawald Mr. & Mrs. Will & Karli Griffeth Drs. Kurt & Maureen Guelzow Ms. Mary E. Gust Mrs. Judith F. Hagadorn Sheila Hagy Dr. & Mrs. John A. Hagy, Jr. Ms. Robin R. Haldiman

Mr. & Mrs. Gregory J. Haley Dr. & Mrs. B. Keith Haley, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Caleb L. Hall, Jr. Judy Haller Megann Halliburton

Ms. Doris J. Handy Samatha Harbour Ms. Anita D. Hardy Sarah Harendt Becky Harman Melissa Harper Brandon Harper

Mr. Mark E. Feldmann Ms. Dorothy Ferguson MaryTheresa Ferris Andre Fieschel Fincastle Presbyterian Church First Friday’s At Five, Inc. Ms. Cathy Fischer Maxine Fisher Judy Fisher Katherine Fitzgerald Frank Flippin & Sarah Copenhaver Tracey Fobare Mrs. Nancy Ford Mrs. Bonnie W. Fox Mr. & Mrs. J. S. Frantz

Chloe Johnson Meghan Jones Christine Jones Susannah Jones Dr. & Mrs. William J. Kagey Kathryn Kaknes Cynthia Kane Mr. Robert Kaplan Preeti Kaushal Dr. & Mrs. Christopher Keeley Nathan Keenan

Mrs. Melissa Harper Mr. Charles C. Harris Ms. Sue M. Harris Mr. & Mrs. James D. Harshfield Mr. Adam Hart Ms. Brittney A. Hasenbeck Cmdr. & Mrs. J. Bruce Hauser Jennifer Havens Mrs. Shirley S. Hawks HCA Caring for the Community Jami Heath Kimberly Heck Elizabeth Heddleston Ms. Dorothy Heins Ms. Susanna Hart Mrs. Kay Harvey

Mr. Fourd Kemper Katherine Kennedy

Mrs. Rebecca B. Kennedy Dr. Kathryn W. Kerkering Dr. & Mrs. A. Reif Kessler

Dr. & Mrs. Paul T. Frantz Mr. & Mrs. Robert Frantz Frith Anderson & Peake PC Mr. & Mrs. John P. Frye, Jr. Mr. Gerald F. Fuss, Sr. Mrs. Marianne E. Gandee Dr. Jorge & Susan Garcia

Amber King Kathie King Ms. Olivia Kiser Ms. Robin Klinger Anne Knechtel Mrs. Janet Knopf


Holly Kobia James Koiner Mrs. Norma Konieczny Mrs. Rita Krasnow Dr. & Mrs. Arthur Kunkle Erica L. Bowes Mrs. Leslie LaConte Julie LaJambe Dr. Lorraine & Bill Lange Ms. Mildred Lanier Mrs. Anna L. Lawson Lorin Ledue Judy Lee Jamie Lee Rev. & Mrs. William L. Lee Our Lady of Nazareth Mr. & Mrs. Harry G. Leidich Drs. Susan R. Leivy & Sander W. Leivy Thu Lenguyen Stacy Leonard Mrs. Betty Lesko The Louise R. Lester Foundation Kathy Leung Mr. & Mrs. Michael E. Levan

Kayla Mariner Lise Martin

Ms. Martha Martin Ms. Maryanne Marx Ms. Inna Massaro Max Matthews Ms. Mary Linda McBride Elizabeth McCachern Mrs. Clara McCann Dr. James & Cathy McClung

Ms. Dorothy McCorkle Ms. Karlee McCormack Mr. Michael McCormick Ms. Emily H. McCown Mr. & Mrs. Carl E. McCurdy Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. McDonald, Jr.

Brittny McGraw Chad McIntosh Paul McIntyre Brianna McKeller

Mr. George A. McLean Jr. Mrs. Patricia O. McMahon Mary McMenamin Ms. Sharon B. Merritt Pamela MIddlekauff Pamela A Middlekauff Anthony & Gertrude Miles Walter Miller Johanna Miller Mr. & Mrs. Curtis E. Mills, Jr.

Barry Morrison Ms. Cynthia M. Morrow Dawn Moses Karrie Moses Tracy Mowles Mr. & Mrs. Gus Moysakis Dr. Penelope A. Muelenaer Andy Muldowney Ms. Elizabeth Muse Muse Family Foundation N M Foundation

Mr. Raymond F. Leven Mrs. Mary Jean Levin Danielle Lewis Lewis Brisbois Bisgaard & Smith Lewis Gale Pediatrics Jim Lindsey Mr. & Mrs. Kirk Ludwig Ms. Megan Lumsden

Meredith Mitchell Mrs. Linda S. Moles Mrs. Kay S. Mook Jacqueline Moon Megan Moore

Mr. & Mrs. William A. Nash Mrs. Cynthia W. Neathawk Melissa Neill Mrs. Barbara C. Nesmith Judy Newman New Vision Pioneers Matthew Newton Ms. Courtney Nichols Norfolk Southern Charity Trust Account

Lunsford, a TrustPoint Company Charles P. and Marion G. Lunsford Charitable Trust Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Machado Sabita Maraj

Stephen & Ellen Morgan Dr. & Mrs. John Morgan Mr. & Mrs. John E. Morris

North Cross School Mr. Joseph O’Connor Dr. Molly O’Dell Olde Salem Brewing Company Ken Olena Mr. Reinhard A. O’Neill Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. Osterhoudt Sarah Ostrander Jenna P Jenny Pagan Jackie Park Sharon Park Parkway Brewing Company Katie Parrish Dr. & Mrs. Steven Pasternak Lakshmi Patel Mr. S. Kime Patsel Denise Payne


Ms. Angie Stanley Star City Reads Dr. & Mrs. Anthony R. Stavola Sherill Steffan Drs. John W. Steffe & Lee Anne Steffe Mrs. Ann K. Stephens Ms. Lillie Stevens Ms. Kelly Stewart Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Stockburger Dr. Thomas J. Stoecker Tara Stone Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Stover Mr. & Ms. Art Strickland Sabita Sudnagunta Shelia Supan Wendy Swanson Drs. Marc & Cathy Swanson Ms. Jacqueline Talevi Dr. & Mrs. Nelson S. Teague Dr. & Mrs. Daniel S. Temeles Shaye Thomas Matthew Thomas Tim Thompson Mrs. Linda M. Thomsen Mr. David Thornhill Mrs. Linda Thornton Lindsay Thorp Thurman Foundation for Children Testamentary Trust Ms. Anne Tiffany Clay Tingle Thania Torres Peter Tran Ms. Corinth S. Treadway Sandra Trivette Truist Mr. & Mrs. Frank P. Turk Jessica Turner Twisted Track Brewpub Angeline Tye Lisa Uherick UnitedWay of Roanoke Valley UnitedWay of South Hampton Roads Upper Stanley Gary Usleaman Dr. William H. Van Dyke & T. Patricia Gleason Amritha Vipin Virginia Department of Health Virginia Tech Virginia Tech Carilion School of Medicine Vistar Eye Center Mr. & Mrs. Darden & Sylvia Wade RichardWaggoner Cathrin Walls Watchmethink, Inc. Emma Way Mrs. Barbara Weddle Dr. & Mrs. Dennis Weiserbs

Brittany Paxton Anuradha Permashwar Sherron Permashwar Nichole Persinger Virginia Pharis Mr. & Mrs. Charles B. Phillips Megan Phillips Ms. Hannah Phillips Phillips Hale Physicians to Children Dr. & Mrs. Douglas E. Pierce Leilani Pilar

City of Salem & Salem City Schools Sam and Marion Golden Helping Hand Foundation

Mr. Richard Sanders Ms. Dawn Sandoval Steven Sandy Katrenna Sandy Ann M. Satterwhite Laura Savage

Holly & Rodney Poffenberger Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Poulin Mrs. Fay E. Poulin Thida Pov Bora Pov Courtney Powell Kerry Powell Mr. & Mrs. William N. Powell Tabitha Presnell Ms. Marlene Preston Amanda Price Mrs. Gail L. Price John & Loretta Prillaman Mr. & Mrs. Alton B. Prillaman Project Forward Dr. & Mrs. Howard Protinsky Anne Prucha Pure Barre Mr. Jonathan Puvak Mr. & Mrs. Jim and Lolly Quigley Mr. & Mrs. William and Carolyn Rakes Carrie Ramsey Delegate Sam Rasoul

Ms. Vydia Sawh Chrissi Scherer Ms. Andrea Schirmer Second Presbyterian Church Mr. & Mrs. Steven M. Scro Bruce Seavy Janet Shaffer Mr. & Mrs. Patrick N. Shaffner Mrs. Rhonda Shannon Mrs. Gladys H. Shaw Renee Shelor Beverly Shillingburg Sarah Shinault Dr. & Mrs. Philip T. Shiner Ms. Ashley Simpson Kelly Six Dr. & Mrs. Andrew Slemp

Corey Slusher Brandon Smith Mrs. Jackie Smith Mr. Lucas Snipes Mrs. Lisa Soltis

Sally & Robert Southard Mr. & Mrs. John K. Speas Dr. & Mrs. Bertram and Joanne Spetzler Britni Spurlock St Paul’s Episcopal Church Mr. Daniel Stanley

Kristofer Rau Larry Reece Lane Reed Chelsea Reed

Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Reid Mrs. Nancy A. Revercomb Ms. Erica Reynolds John Reynolds

Dr. Randall Rhea Kelli Richardson Ms. Amy Richardson Mr. & Mrs. William B. Richardson II City of Roanoke County of Roanoke Roanoke Gas Company Roanoke Valley Orthodontics Ms. Kim Roberts Naomi Roberts Robertson Marketing Group Patrick Robertson Mrs. Nancy C. Robertson Jeff Robertson John & Sue Ellen Rocovich Kevin Rogers Mrs. Norma S. Ruble



Dr. & Mrs. Joseph S. Weisman Wells Fargo Community Care Wells Fargo Foundation Western Virginia Environmental and Social Foundation Dr. & Mrs. AndrewWhisnant Katherine White Ms. PamWhite Dr. & Mrs. Herbert G. Whitley Megan Whitham Mr. & Mrs. Darrell D. Whitt Dr. Kerry Whitt & Dr. Lynn Rebello Mr. John Whittle Alana Garcia &Will Goldsmith Autumn Williams Mr. & Mrs. Cranston Williams, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Danny and Kathleen Williams Kathleen R. Williams

Mr. James Wilson Sarah Wilson

Mr. James Wilson Johanna Winley Barry & Becky Wirt Lara Wise Dr. & Mrs. John R. Wood Wooed by the Food Ms. Jeannine Wray Stacie Wright Shelby Wynn Penny Yonts Michael Young MimYoung Dr. Maslin R. Young PhD Katie Zawacki Curtis Zeitelhack Richard Zick

Delta Dental of Virginia gave our lobby a facelift that includes a beautiful playroom and engaging library. We are thrilled!

Artist Bryce Cobb’s gorgeous painting, “Love & Solidarity,” exudes the joy of parenting. We are so honored that the Roanoke Arts Commission made this beautiful gift to CHIP of Roanoke Valley possible. According to the artist, “I wanted to illustrate the feeling of love and compassion through color and emotion. Not only for families and the people we know, but for humanity as a whole. Having solidarity and empathy for the next person is what progresses communities and allows for a robust, warm society! Each element of the painting was meticulously chosen to help advance the narrative, and coupled with the strong figures hugging, help tell a story of loving one another and being surrounded by a system of support and understanding.” As a provider of support and understanding for many thousands of familes, we couldn’t agree more! Thank you, Bryce, for your talent and insight.


A special thank you from Autumn

What an incredible year it has been! 2022-2023 was packed full of many amazing memories for staff, enrolled families, Board members, and more. We could not have done this without the generous support of our community.

The Roanoke Valley rallied around the organization during our re-launch of Breakfast with Santa, which had not been held in the traditional capacity since 2019. The 21st annual Breakfast with Santa was held on December 3, 2022, and was the largest Breakfast with Santa event held, breaking attendance and financial records. We are sincerely grateful for every one of our donors who helped make an impact for our families. Every single dollar truly adds up and DOES in fact make a difference for families across the Roanoke Valley and beyond. Warm Regards, Autumn Lavering Chief Operating Officer

Inside a home visit by a CHIP team I visit a family where the parents of an almost one-year-old are older in age — the mom is almost 43 and the dad is in his 60s. This family is open to new things and really loves when CHIP comes to visit. At a recent visit, mommentioned that the child is getting harder to change; he wiggles around, rolls over, etc. Mom noticed that she was getting frustrated due to this behavior. We decided to discuss a frustration plan plan right then and there. We discussed things mom can do to soothe her child and herself. It started further discussion about how self care is so important for parents. We were also able to discuss with dad how he handles frustrations. At the next home visit, mom brought up how she has been using the techniques we discussed when she begins to feel herself getting frustrated. This inspires me because we work with families of varying ages, not just young moms or first-time moms. All parents need support because parenting is hard, especially with a toddler! — DM, CHIP staff member

CHIP staff: always hydrated and ready to serve!

CHIP of Roanoke Valley (540) 857-6993 1201 Third Street SW | Roanoke, VA 24016 CHIPRV.ORG

Intensely dedicated

OUR CORE VALUES Teamwork: We achieve more when we recognize one another ’s strengths and work in partnership. Diversity: We foster belonging and empowerment through intentional actions. Integrity: We are committed to building trust through responsible actions and honest relationships. Leadership: We focus on a vision for the future while working together to accomplish common goals. Passion: We are courageous — a mission-driven team that uses creativity and compassion to eliminate barriers.

OUR VISION Every child will have equal access to health care and enter school ready to learn. OUR MISSION Child Health Investment Partnership changes the lives of underserved children and their families through access to comprehensive healthcare services and community resources.

How your donations benefitted families in Roanoke, Salem, Bedford, and the counties of Craig and Botetourt Better overall health of enrolled children Improved performance in school Fewer missed days of school and work Lowered health care costs Fewer ER visits Education for guardians Longterm economic benefits

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