THE ONE HUNDRED FIRST ANNUAL SPRING COMMENCEMENT of Bluefield University B luefield , V irginia
Saturday May 6, 2023 10:00 a.m.
To God be the glory, great things he hath done! So loved He the world that He gave us his Son, Who yielded His life an atonement for sin, And opened the Life gate that all may go in.
Praise the Lord, Praise the Lord, Let the earth hear His voice! Praise the Lord, Praise the Lord, Let the people rejoice! O come to the Father thru Jesus the Son, And give Him the glory, great things He hath done!
O perfect redemption, the purchase of blood! To every believer the promise of God; The vilest offender who truly believes, That moment from Jesus a pardon receives.
Praise the Lord, Praise the Lord, Let the earth hear His voice! Praise the Lord, Praise the Lord, Let the people rejoice! O come to the Father thru Jesus the Son, And give Him the glory, great things He hath done! Great things He hath taught us, great things He hath done, And great our rejoicing thru Jesus the Son; But purer, and higher, and greater will be Our wonder, our transport, when Jesus we see. Praise the Lord, Praise the Lord, Let the earth hear his voice! Praise the Lord, Praise the Lord, Let the people rejoice! O come to the Father thru Jesus the Son, And give him the glory, great things he hath done!
Ms. Alandra Blume University Accompanist, Piano
“Pomp and Circumstance”
Ms. Alandra Blume
Sir Edward Elgar
Mr. Charles Reese Professor of Theatre
*Scripture Reading
Dr. Irene Rieger Associate Professor of English
Welcome and Introductions
Dr. David W. Olive President
Greetings from the Board of Trustees
Mr. C. Todd Asbury Chair, Board of Trustees
Special Music
“The Prayer”
Variations Chorale Members
led by Dr. Mark Milberger Assistant Professor of Music and Worship Arts
by Carole Sager and David Foster
Ms. Jordan Stadvec, Soloist Adjunct Vocal Instructor Ms. Alandra Blume, Accompanist
Student Graduate Addresses College of Arts and Letters
Ms. Hannah Thacker Ms. Hannah Ingo
School of Education and Social Sciences
*Commencement Hymn
“To God Be the Glory”
led by Dr. Mark Milberger Assistant Professor of Music and Worship Arts Ms. Alandra Blume, Accompanist Mr. Travis Staton President and CEO United Way of Southwest Virginia Dr. Michael Salmeier Provost and Chief Academic Officer Ms. Rebecca McCoy-Reese Assistant Professor of Theatre
Commencement Address
Presentation of Graduates
Conferral of Degrees
Dr. David W. Olive
Alumni Induction
Mrs. Sara Rutherford, Class of 1996 President, Alumni Association Board of Directors
*Alma Mater
led by Dr. Mark Milberger Ms. Alandra Blume, Accompanist Dr. Lewis Buterakos Associate Professor of Mathematics
* † Recessional
“Triumphal March” by Alfred Hollins
Ms. Alandra Blume
*Please stand * † Please remain standing at your seat until after the recessional
COMMENCEMENT SPEAKER Mr. Travis Staton President and CEO United Way of Southwest Virginia
Travis Staton is the President and Chief Executive Officer of United Way of Southwest Virginia. Over the past decade, he has worked to reposition the organization as a new model United Way by leading a dynamic shift from having been recognized for decades as a premier fundraiser and distributor to utilizing a community impact model to improve the region’s health, education, and financial stability. Under Staton’s leadership the organization has successfully created numerous new systems of support to bridge the gap between employers and the educational system through the development of an initiative-based cradle-to-career continuum to prepare the next generation for the jobs of tomorrow, supplying businesses with skilled workers, building a robust competitive economy. In addition to this change in focus, Staton has brought his efforts to scale by guiding the organization through nine different mergers and acquisitions to now overseeing geographic operations of 17 counties and 4 cities, nearly 20% of the Commonwealth. Staton’s work has received recognition and support from national organizations including the Appalachian Regional Commission, Aspen Institute, Robert Wood JohnsonFoundation, andFederal Reserve Bank of Richmond. InNovember 2017, the organization was one of the inaugural recipients of the Virginia Governor’s Award for Excellence and Innovation in Education for achievements in preparing students for the New Virginia Economy. In August 2018, Charity Navigator, the nation’s largest independent charity evaluator, ranked the organization among the 10 best United Way Chapters (of more than 1,200 chapters) nationwide. In addition, Staton himself has received accolades that include Virginia Business Magazine’s top 100 people to meet in 2020, and Virginia’s 50 most powerful and influential executives in 2022 and 2023. Today, Staton oversees the long-term recovery efforts for multiple disasters, including the 2021 Hurley, VA, flood and the flooding in Buchanan County, VA, and surrounding counties that occurred in July 2022. He is married to his beautiful wife, Ryiah, who serves as senior vice president and director of marketing for New Peoples Bank. They currently reside in Abingdon, VA, and are the proud parents of four young children.
Morgan Elizabeth Stumbo Chilhowie, Virginia Clinical Mental Health Counseling Shania Thomas Marion, Virginia School Counseling Samantha Casey Waelti Max Meadows, Virginia Clinical Mental Health Counseling
Roanoke, Virginia School Counseling Katelyn Goins Bluefield, West Virginia Clinical Mental Health Counseling Rachel Radford Gray Bland, Virginia School Counseling Hannah Mayre Ingo Max Meadows, Virginia Clinical Mental Health Counseling Kaitlin R. Hobbs Rosedale, Virginia Education in Teaching Excellence Roderick Darnell Howard Memphis, Tennessee Education in Teaching Excellence Devon Levoné Jackson
Raegan Abigail Moss Tazewell, Virginia Curriculum/Instruction Jordan Leigh Quesenberry Mullens, West Virginia Curriculum/Instruction
Newport News, Virginia Curriculum/Instruction
CANDIDATES FOR MASTER OF ARTS IN EDUCATION LEADERSHIP Michelle Wilburn Christian Roanoke, Virginia Educational Leadership (Licensure) Whitney Nicole Saunders Tazewell, Virginia Educational Leadership (Licensure) CANDIDATES FOR MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Baylee Jordan Allen Crandall, Georgia Leadership Katrina Leigh Allen-Farmer Princeton, West Virginia Leadership Lauryn Michelle Bailey Suffolk, Virginia Health Care Management Dustin L. Barker Pound, Virginia Health Care Management Gabriel Andreé Blakman Terán Guayaquil, Ecuador Leadership Cory Glenn Carr Vienna, West Virginia Eligha Lewis San Diego, California Leadership Dewey Gilmer Lusk IV Bristol, Virginia Leadership Kylie Meadows Mountain Home, Idaho Justice Administration Nicholas Morgan Bluefield, Virginia Leadership
Sandra Christine Ray Swords Creek, Virginia Leadership Brandon Shields Fairmont, West Virginia Leadership Jessica Nicole Street Bluefield, Virginia Leadership Haley Turman Laurel Fork, Virginia Health Care Management
Health Care Management Leslie Lorena Flores South Charleston, Ohio Health Care Management Alexandria Harmon Loudon, Tennessee Leadership Abagail Renee Key Midlothian, Virginia Health Care Management
Holly Danielle Beavers Richlands, Virginia Family Nurse Practitioner
Leslie Dawn Eads Radford, Virginia Family Nurse Practitioner
* With Distinction
** Cum Laude
***Magna Cum Laude
****Summa Cum Laude
Berkley E. Harris Hopkins Princeton, West Virginia Family Nurse Practitioner Caleb McDonald Lashmeet, West Virginia Family Nurse Practitioner
Stephanie Robin Wismer Nettie, West Virginia Family Nurse Practitioner
Grant Wright ** Bluefield, Virginia Biology
Claire Cecille Fisher * Bluefield, Virginia Theatre Timothy Charles Gasperson **** Bluefield, Virginia Music Education-Instrumental preK-12 Johnny Mitchell Greene ***
Antowyne Jermaine Curtis Shaw Chesapeake, Virginia History General Smith, Jr. Midlothian, Virginia Theatre Neisha Osborne Smith **** Castlewood, Virginia Ministry Leadership Taylor Alice Stiltner Lebanon, Virginia History Hannah Daryl Thacker *** Haysi, Virginia Christian Studies Meghan McKenzie Woody ** Bluefield, West Virginia Music Anna Marie Workman ** Kassidy Abigael Bingel **** Gainesville, Virginia Psychology and Human Services Megan Lorraine Brown **** Floyd, Virginia Psychology and Human Services Leah Nicole Burgy Wheeling, West Virginia Psychology and Human Services Lauren Ashleigh Butler *** Roanoke, Virginia Psychology and Human Services Sabyrn Zariha Lynn Cox *** Galax, Virginia Psychology and Human Services Gustavo De Oliveira Margate, Florida Business Administration Taylor Alyssa Dunford Montcalm, West Virginia Interdisciplinary Studies (Teacher Licensure) Kimberly Kayla Dye *** Swords Creek, Virginia Criminal Justice JaQuan A. Ebron Charlotte, North Carolina Psychology Abingdon, Virginia Ministry Leadership
Abingdon, Virginia Ministry Leadership Olivia Faith Jackson Bluefield, West Virginia English
Warren DM Lester Bluefield, West Virginia Communication Darryl L. Patrick Cincinnati, Ohio Graphic Communication George Henry Payne, Jr.
Danville, Virginia Criminal Justice
Travis L. Adkins * Boones Mill, Virginia Organizational Leadership Alanea Sarah Kaye Alicie Cedar Bluff, Virginia Human Services Andrew Arguello Whittier, California Business Administration Maximo Aristy Higuey, Republica Dominicana Exercise and Sport Science
John Balthaser **** Mechanicsville, Virginia Interdisciplinary Studies (Teacher Licensure) Marek Adonis Tre'von Banks Ooltewah, Tennessee Exercise and Sport Science Mykkel Adiago Tionne Banks Chattanooga, Tennessee
Exercise and Sport Science Candace Hope Bean ** Shawsville, Virginia Psychology and Human Services Kaimen Beavers Johnson City, Tennessee Business Administration
* With Distinction
** Cum Laude
***Magna Cum Laude
****Summa Cum Laude
Abby Victoria Flinchum Dry Fork, Virginia Business Administration Andrew Cecil Fluharty* Fredericksburg, Virginia Criminal Justice Andrew Goodman Big Stone Gap, Virginia Exercise and Sport Science Jaylon M. Grant Orange Park, Florida Exercise and Sport Science Damiesha Lataya Greene Bluefield, Virginia Biology Jessica Ann Greene Abingdon, Virginia Human Services Joseph Haner Moneta, Virginia Business Administration LaWanda Dawn Harper *** Chesapeake, Virginia Early Childhood Education Morgan Nicole Haskins Tazewell, Virginia Biology Roger Haynes **** Cana, Virginia Exercise and Sport Science Joshua Huff Decatur, Alabama Exercise and Sport Science Jonathan Hurley Hurley, Virginia Criminal Justice Katherine Rene' Jackson * Culpeper, Virginia Early Childhood Education Tara Beth Jones Rural Retreat, Virginia Business Administration Michael Kleppinger* Fredericksburg, Virginia Business Administration Jovani Konstanty Arlington, Virginia Business Administration River Keith Lang Pearisburg, Virginia Business Administration Mikaela Joy Leach Harrisonburg, Virginia Early Childhood Education Emily Autumn Linkous Tyler Olson Lowrey San Diego, California Exercise and Sport Science Mabel Martinez * Dumfries, Virginia Early Childhood Education Radford, Virginia Human Services
Evan James Matlick *** Keyser, West Virginia Business Administration Lisa Maxie * Martinsville, Virginia Early Childhood Education MaKenzie Grace McKern ** Westminster, South Carolina Psychology and Human Services Jake Ryan Mendoza *** Stafford, Virginia Business Administration Candace Rochelle Mercer ** Wytheville, Virginia Psychology and Human Services Noah Frederick Moler ** New Castle, Virginia Business Administration Ashley Kress Montgomery Quinton, Virginia Business Administration Nathan WilliamMounts Bluefield, Virginia Exercise and Sport Science Kaylei Hope Newman **** Galax, Virginia Mathematics Mathematics Education Arnold Wilson Nipper III * Pulaski, Virginia Cybersecurity Taylor Mackenzie Nunn Cameron, North Carolina Cybersecurity Edith Lynnette Pinn Lancaster, Virginia Psychology and Human Services Brianna K. Poole *** Danville, Virginia Exercise and Sport Science Tavares Kirkland Rabb ** Ridgeway, South Carolina Cybersecurity Clarence B. Randall III **** Lewisville, North Carolina Criminal Justice Kelli La'Chaka Reavis * Richmond, Virginia Psychology and Human Services Tammy Marie Reeves Bluefield, West Virginia Psychology and Human Services Kasean Ridgel Tampa, Florida Exercise and Sport Science Wendy M. Rogers ** Abingdon, Virginia Early Childhood Education
Alexia Brooke Rowe North Tazewell, Virginia Biology Wilcliff Senatus Source Matelas, Haiti Exercise and Sport Science
* With Distinction
** Cum Laude
***Magna Cum Laude
****Summa Cum Laude
Alisa Beth Shortt **** Spotsylvania, Virginia Business Administration Whitney DeAnn Shrader North Tazewell, Virginia Human Services Katherine Grace Smith ** Bland, Virginia Information Technology Adriana S. Soto Alvarez Guaynabo, Puerto Rico Biology Lauren Sotomayor ** Ogden, Utah Biology Andre Gabriel Souza A. Amaral **** Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Psychology and Human Services Stephen Swiney Newport News, Virginia Exercise and Sport Science CANDIDATES FOR BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN NURSING Connor Joseph Vencill ** Richlands, Virginia Exercise and Sport Science Bryce Alexander Verble Chattanooga, Tennessee Forensic Science Darrell Wess, Jr. Pounding Mill, Virginia Health and Physical Education Brooklyn Grace Whitaker **** Cumberland Gap, Tennessee Criminal Justice Pipa Stewart Winchester Lexington, Virginia Human Services Tyrese K. Wolfe Vicksburg, Mississippi Organizational Leadership
Onshawn Lee Beavers Welch, West Virginia RN to BSN Macarthur David Inbody * Defiance, Ohio RN to BSN
Andrea N. Varney * Abingdon, Virginia RN to BSN
Katie Elaine Bowden Pearisburg, Virginia General Studies David Grant Bremer Azle, Texas General Studies Bryson Carr Jr. Palmyra, Virginia General Studies Isabella Cavazos Kokomo, Indiana General Studies Noah Matthew Fabry Montpelier, Virginia General Studies
Naomi Kilian Azle, Texas General Studies Andria Lynn Kirkendall Brandywine, Maryland General Studies Kaylee Morgan Lunsford Fort Scott, Kansas General Studies Naomi Rebekah Mozeleski Fredericksburg, Virginia General Studies Hayley Leona Musick Cleveland, Virginia General Studies Ethan Nathaniel Nesbitt Aiken, South Carolina General Studies Samuel Spurgeon Scarlett Forest, Virginia General Studies Eliana Noelle Schuhle Beaverdam, Virginia General Studies Josiah Caleb Smith Beaver, West Virginia General Studies Samantha Lindan Steele Brenton, West Virginia General Studies Raeanna Jean Woltjer Stockholm, Sweden General Studies
Loghan M. Gilliam Williamsburg, Virginia General Studies Joanna Guilbert Fredericksburg, Virginia General Studies Elijah Thomas Hemingway Brighton, Utah General Studies Jenna Jenkins Culpeper, Virginia General Studies Reagan Grace Jones Palmyra, Virginia General Studies Christopher Robert Keaveny
Bristow, Virginia General Studies
* With Distinction
** Cum Laude
***Magna Cum Laude
****Summa Cum Laude
GRADUATION HONORS Bluefield University baccalaureate graduates are recognized with honors for achievement of a cumulative grade point average from 3.5 to 4.0. Baccalaureate degree honors are recognized by wearing blue, white, and gold cords, and by the following distinctions: Cum Laude 3.50 – 3.74 Magna Cum Laude 3.75 – 3.89 Summa Cum Laude 3.90 – 4.00 Baccalaureate graduates who complete less than 60 credit hours at Bluefield University and earn a cumulative grade point average from 3.5 to 4.0 are recognized “With Distinction.” THE UNIVERSITY SEAL The University Seal has been in existence since the doors of Bluefield University opened in 1922. Designed by the daughter of Dr. R. A. Lansdell, first President of Bluefield College, it features three Latin words: “Deus,” meaning God, “Patria,” meaning country, and “Lux,” meaning light. The seal has been a beacon of light for those who study, teach, and serve at Bluefield University, as it speaks of the duty to serve God and to be divine light in this country and throughout the world. THE UNIVERSITY MACE Bluefield University ceremonial occasions begin with the entrance of the University Mace, carried by the University senior faculty member and Faculty Marshal. The mace symbolizes the University’s governing authority and is present when the University leadership and faculty are in attendance. The tradition of the mace derives frommedieval times in England, when the mace was held by a bodyguard for dignitaries at ceremonial functions. Today, ceremonial maces are used by governing bodies worldwide, including the U.S. House of Representatives and the British Parliament. As an ancient symbol of authority, it reminds us that colleges and universities are custodians both of the enduring traditions of learning and of the power they bestow upon those who come to learn. It is also a reminder that the learning process has not always been comfortable and easy. The Bluefield University mace is seen regularly at the President’s Convocation, the Honors Convocation, and the Winter and Spring Commencement ceremonies. The Bluefield University mace is 42 inches in length. The four-sided head-piece displays the blue enamel reproductions of the University Seal on antique bronze medals. The mahogany shaft is ringed in brass banners, which are engraved with the University’s four core values: “Christ-centered Learning,” “Academic Excellence,” “Integrity and Mutual Respect,” and “Serves to Transform the World.”
THE UNIVERSITY GONFALON The Bluefield University Gonfalon is a symbol of our collective responsibility to engage in a Christ-centered community of integrity and learning. Bluefield University’s colors, which compose the University Gonfalon, are blue, white, and red. The University Seal adorns the top of the Gonfalon, and at its base is the symbol of inspiration for the University, which is the University Spire. In this official version, the Spire is left half open to convey the responsibility that each individual, be they student, faculty, staff, or administration, has to do their part to complete the work of learning that has been entrusted to them. ACADEMIC REGALIA The origins of academic regalia date back to the 12th and 13th centuries, when universities were beginning. The first gowns were patterned after the dress of the cleric and were believed to be a necessity for warmth in unheated buildings. Hoods were designed to serve as head coverings. Caps were not used at that time. The shape of the gown indicates the academic level: bachelor, master, or doctor. Black is the most common color in America, although now many colleges and universities are using one of their colors. The doctor's robe usually has three velvet stripes on the sleeves, in black or in the color of the discipline of the degree. The colors of the hood indicate the academic discipline and the institution. The colors associated with the different disciplines are as follows:
Accountancy......................................Drab Anthropology..................................... Gold Arts..................................................White Behavioral Science. ........................ Oyster Biochemistry. .................................... Gold Business Administration...................Drab Chiropractic....................................... Grey Commerce. ........................................Drab Communication...........................Crimson Counseling & Guidance............ Light Blue Divinity...........................................Scarlet Dramatic Arts................................. Brown Economics..................................... Copper Education. ................................ Light Blue Engineering...................................Orange English.............................................White Fine Arts......................................... Brown History.............................................White Home Economics.........................Maroon Humanities......................................White Journalism. .................................Crimson
Jurisprudence. ............................... Purple Law. ................................................ Purple Letters..............................................White Library Science.............................. Lemon Literature.........................................White Medicine............................. Hunter Green Music................................................. Pink Nursing..........................................Apricot Oratory (Speech) ..............................Silver Philosophy .............................. Ph.D. Blue Physical Education................. Sage Green Physical Therapy................................Teal Psychology......................................... Gold Public Administration......... Peacock Blue Public Health.................................Salmon Physics....................................Bright Gold Science....................................Bright Gold Social Work. ....................................Citron Speech. .............................................Silver Theology.........................................Scarlet Urban Planning ...................... Blue-Violet
ALUMNI CREED As a member of The Bluefield University Alumni Association, I will take an active role in the life of my University through prayer, advocacy, and gifts of time and resources. Good work ethic, compassion, community involvement, appreciation for others, and faith in God have become a foundation for me as a student. These values give me a hope and a passion to share the Bluefield University mission with others as I journey through each chapter of my life. I will remember the lighted spire on the hill, and may it remain a symbol to guide me all of my days. May God continue to bless the students, faculty, staff, and alumni of Bluefield University, and may God bless each of us as we impact our world.
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