BluCol_AcadCatalog_REV March 2019

MAT 2913 Elementary Linear Algebra Matrices and systems of linear equations, determinants, vectors and vector spaces, and the eigenvalue problem. Prerequisites: Sophomore status or Instructor’s Permission. (On Demand) MAT 3003 Introduction to Differential Equations Introduction to ordinary differential equations, first-order equations, second and higher- order linear equations, and first order systems of linear equations. Prerequisite: MAT 2814 and MAT 2913. (On Demand) MAT 3103 Introduction to Mathematical Proof An introduction to the techniques or writing mathematical proofs in the context of discrete mathematics and abstract algebra, including propositional calculus, mathematical logic, mathematical induction, elementary set and number theory, equivalence relations, and el- ementary graph theory. Emphasis is placed on proof-writing, reading, and expository writ- ing in the discipline. Prerequisite: Junior status or Instructor’s Permission. (Fall Semester as needed) MAT 3111, 3112, 3113 Academic Internship in Mathematics This internship provides the opportunity for juniors and seniors to participate in college-relat- ed career training. The internship can be completed by participating in a mathematics-related activity requiring the significant use of college level mathematics. One example is tutoring in the ACE during the course of a semester. Students will receive variable credit based on time spent at the activity during the term. The student can collect no more than 10 semester hour credits for this course. Prerequisite: Sophomore standing with completion or prior credit for MAT 1815 and approval of the Mathematics Department Chair. (Every Semester) MAT 3303 Abstract Algebra Introductory course in groups, rings, fields, and related concepts with emphasis on math- ematical proof writing. Prerequisite: MAT 3103 with a grade of “C” or better, and MAT 2913. (On Demand) MAT 3403 Introduction to Probability An introduction to the mathematical foundations of probability, including axioms of prob- ability and combinatorial methods, conditional probability and independence, distribution functions, discrete and continuous random variables, bivariate and multivariate distribu- tions and limit theorems. Prerequisites: MAT 2814, MAT 3103. (On Demand) MAT 3501, 3502, 3503 Directed Study in Mathematics Course covers a topic of interest under the direction of a faculty member. May be repeated for credit with a change in subject. Prerequisite: Instructor’s Permission. (On Demand) MAT 3603 College Geometry Study of Euclidean and non-Euclidean geometries. Prerequisite: MAT 2913 and MAT 3103. (On Demand) MAT 3813 Vector Calculus An introduction to the fundamental concepts of vector calculus, including divergence and curl, vector fields, change of variables, integrals over paths and surfaces, and integral theo- rems of vector calculus, including Green’s Theorem, Stokes’ Theorem, Gauss’s Theorem, Conservative Field Theorem. Prerequisite: MAT 2814. (On Demand)


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