BluCol_AcadCatalog_REV March 2019
bank discount, compound interest, annuities and applications of annuities. The course requires the use of a calculator and may involve exercises using an Excel spreadsheet. Prerequisite: MAT 0123 or placement by the Mathematics Department. (Every Semester) MAT 1514 Precalculus Conic sections, linear, absolute value, quadratic, polynomial, rational, exponential, loga- rithmic, and trigonometric functions, with the specific intent to provide the foundation to succeed in calculus and later courses. Prerequisite: MAT 1213 or MAT 1223 with a grade of “B” or better, or placement by the Mathematics Department. (Fall Semester as needed) MAT 1601 Introduction to CAS An introduction to Computer Algebra Systems (CAS) in the context of differential calcu- lus using the software Mathematica . Class meets for two hours each week in a computer lab with a lab format. Must be taken concurrent with or after MAT 1815 or an equivalent course. Prerequisite: MAT 1514 or an equivalent course. Corequisite: MAT 1815. (Fall or Spring Semesters as needed) MAT 1815 Calculus I Limits, continuity, derivatives, differentiation, applications of the derivative, definite and indefinite integrals. Prerequisite: MAT 1514 or equivalent course with a grade of “C” or better, or Instructor’s Permission. (Spring Semester as needed) MAT 1825 Calculus II A continuation of MAT 1815 covering inverse functions, definite and indefinite integrals of transcendental functions (trigonometric, exponential, logarithmic, inverse trigonometric), ap- plications of integration, techniques of integrations (substitution, integration by parts, trigo- nometric integrals and substitutions, partial fraction decomposition), limits with indetermi- nate forms, improper integrals, and infinite series. Prerequisite: MAT 1815 or equivalent course with a grade of “C” or better, or Instructor’s Permission. (Fall Semester as needed) MAT 2023 Introduction to Statistics Introduction to descriptive statistics and probability, including graphical representations of data, measures of central tendency, variance, and position, Exploratory Data Analysis, basic probability and counting rules, and discrete and normal probability distributions. Prerequisite: MAT 1213 or placement by the Mathematics Department. (Every Semester) MAT 2033 Inferential Statistics Continuous probability distributions, confidence intervals, hypothesis testing by the tradi- tional and p-value methods, correlation and regression, chi-square tests, analysis of vari- ance (ANOVA), and nonparametric statistics. Prerequisite: MAT 2023 or MAT 1213. (On Demand) MAT 2201, 2202, 2203 Special Topics in Mathematics The student will engage in class instruction or analysis of specific topics in Mathematics. Credits to be determined by course content. May be repeated for credit with a change in topic. Prerequisite: Instructor’s Permission. (On Demand) MAT 2814 Calculus III Vector geometry of the plane and space, complex numbers, calculus of parametric rep- resentations, calculus in polar coordinates, calculus of vector functions, partial differen- tiation, multiple integration, cylindrical and spherical coordinate systems. Prerequisites: MAT 1825 or equivalent course with a grade of “C” or better, or Instructor’s Permission. (Spring Semester as needed)
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