Academic Catalog 2018-2019
BIO 3044 Ecology A study of the principles governing interactions between organisms and their environment. Three hours of lecture and two hours of laboratory per week. Prerequisite: BIO 1033 and 1031 or BIO 1143 and 1141 or Instructor’s Permission. (Fall, Even Years) BIO 3053 Biochemistry (same as CHM 3053) Structural bio-chemistry, metabolism, nutrition, and energy relationships are studied. Three hours of lecture per week. Prerequisite: CHM 2014 or Instructor’s Permission. (Spring, Even Years) BIO 3061 Biochemistry Laboratory (same as CHM 3061) An introduction to biochemistry laboratory methods. One three hour laboratory per week. Prerequisite: BIO 3053 or taken concurrently. (Spring, Even Years) BIO 3111 Science Colloquium (same as CHM 3111) This course will develop the student’s ability to critically examine published primary re- search in biology and/or chemistry. May be repeated for credit. (Every Spring) BIO 3234 Parasitology A study of the parasites of human importance, including the life cycles, means of infection, diseases they cause, and the treatment and prevention of these diseases. Prerequisite: BIO 2054 or Instructor’s Permission. (Fall, Even Years) BIO 3501, 3502, 3503 Directed Study in Biology A specialized course of study for qualified students. The credit hours are determined by the nature of the study. (On Demand) BIO 4014 Genetics Study of the mechanisms of inheritance, mutation, mapping, recombination, expression, regulation, population genetics, and evolution. Three hours of lecture and one two-hour lab per week. Prerequisite: JR/SR Standing. (Spring, Odd Years) BIO 4024 Molecular Cell Biology A laboratory-oriented course on the fundamental experimental tools and techniques of mo- lecular biology, including DNA isolation, gene cloning, and polymerase chain reaction. Prerequisite: JR/SR Standing and CHM 2024 or Instructor’s Permission. (Fall, Odd Years) BIO 4081, 4091 Senior Seminar Seniors will be required to research the scientific literature, write a thesis, and make oral presentations. BIO 4501, 4502, 4503, 4504 Special Topics in Biology The student will engage in class instruction, research, and analysis of specific topics under the direction of a faculty member. Credit will be determined by the course content. (On Demand)
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