Academic Catalog 2018-2019
semester covers cells, tissues, the integument, skeletal system, muscular system, nervous system, and endocrine system. Prerequisite: Any BIO course. (Every Fall) BIO 2021 Anatomy & Physiology Lab II Laboratory course to accompany BIO 2023. Experiments and other laboratory activities designed to illustrate or reinforce concepts taught in BIO 2023. (Every Spring) BIO 2023 Anatomy & Physiology II A continuation of BIO 2013 covering digestion, metabolism, the respiratory system, cir- culatory system, urinary system, reproduction and development. Prerequisite: Any BIO course. (Every Spring) BIO 2054 Zoology Basic principles of animal biology with emphasis on morphology, physiology, and devel- opmental features of the major phyla. Three hours of lecture and two hours of laboratory per week. Prerequisite: BIO 1143 & 1141. (Spring, Odd Years) BIO 2064 Botany A study of the structure, function and development of the major plant groups. Three hours of lecture and two hours of laboratory per week. Prerequisite: BIO 1033 and 1031 or BIO 1143 and 1141 (On Demand) BIO 2111, 2122, 2133 Biology Internship See criteria for internships on p. 70. Not more than 3 semester hours can be counted toward the major or minor. (On Demand) BIO 2223 Philosophical and Ethical Issues in Science (same as CHM 2223) This course will take a philosophical approach to examining the theory and practice of science and medicine. Emphasis will be placed on ethical issues that are relevant to con- temporary society. (Spring, Even Years). BIO 2501, 2502, 2503, 2504 Special Topics in Biology The student will engage in class instruction, research, or analysis of specific topics in Biol- ogy. Credits to be determined by course content. May be repeated for credit with a change An introduction to the immune system including the production and structure of immu- noglobulins, the immune response, development of immunity to infection, autoimmunity, and rejection of transplants. Prerequisite: BIO 2023 and 2021 or Instructor’s Permission. (Fall, Even Years) BIO 3021, 3022, 3023 Academic Internship The student will assist course instructors through tutoring, preparation and performance of laboratory exercises, and supervision of exams and video presentations. The student may also teach a class session. Prerequisite: JR/SR Standing and permission of the College or School Dean. BIO 3034 Microbiology A study of the morphology, taxonomy, and physiology of bacteria and other micro-organ- isms, and the techniques used in this field. Three hours of lecture and two hours of labora- tory per week. Pre-requisites: BIO 1143, 1141 and CHM 1024 or Instructor’s Permission. (Spring, Even Years) in topic. (On Demand) BIO 3003 Immunology
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