Academic Catalog 2018-2019
ART 4053 Advanced Painting or ART 4063 Advanced Ceramics ART 4053 Advanced Painting or ART 4063 Advanced Ceramics
3 3
(12 hours must be in the same art medium)
21 SH
Business Core Courses
BUS 2603 Personal Finance
3 3 3 3 3
BUS 2533 Principles of Accounting I
EBE 4303 Entrepreneurial Finance and Business Planning
EBE 4113 Small Business Management EBE 4213 Marketing Management
EBE 4253 Entrepreneurial Implementation (Business Capstone) 3 MGT 3103 Business Communication, EBE 4243 New Ventures for the Entrepreneur or MGT 4233 Leadership and Change Management 3 (one of these three courses)
0 SH
C. ART 4600 Senior Art Show (solo or group)
D. Electives 32 SH (Recommended electives – In Business and Entrepreneurship include BUS 3243 Advertising and Promotions, BUS 3023 Principles of Marketing and the other two courses not already selected in the Entrepreneurship and Small Business program. In Art include additional Advanced Studio Courses and other art courses not already selected.) ART BUSINESS MAJOR ADVISING RECOMMENDATIONS First Year Second Year ENG 1013, 1023 6 SH COR 2012 2 SH COR 1012 2 SH ART 1413 3 SH ART 1013 or ART 1033 3 SH ART 1723 3 SH BUS 2603, BUS 2533 6 SH EBE 4303 3 SH Math 3 SH Literature 3 SH Speech 3 SH Science 4 SH Art Electives 3 SH ART 2053, 3053 or Electives 6 SH ART 2063, 3063 6 SH Total 32 SH MGT 3103, or EBE 4243, or MGT 4233 3 SH Electives 6 SH Total 33 SH Third Year Fourth Year COR 3012 2 SH COR 2001, 2002 3 SH ART 2413, 4413 6 SH ART 4600 0 SH World History 3 SH US History 3 SH CST 1103 3 SH BUS 2513 3 SH EBE 4113, EBE 4213 6 SH Foreign Language (Inter) 6 SH ART 4053 or Art 4063 6 SH ART 4183, EBE 4352 6 SH Foreign Language (Beg) 6 SH ART 4053 or Art 4063 6 SH Electives 2 SH Electives 3 SH Total 31 SH Total 30 SH Social Science 3 SH 5 5 or ART 2063, 3063 3 l
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