Academic Catalog 2018-2019
ART 3733 Typography Design and History (Same as COM 3733) An examination of the history of graphic art, fundamental terminology, the five classi- cal type font groups, design elements associated with typography for various media, and preparation for printing. Prerequisite: ART/COM 1723 Photoshop/Illustrator ART 4053 Advanced Painting/Drawing (max. 12 credits) Advanced work in painting, with an emphasis on individual development. Prerequisite: Art 3053. (On Demand) ART 4063 Advanced Ceramics (max. 12 credits) Advanced work in ceramics, with an emphasis on individual development. Prerequisite: Art 3063. (On Demand) ART 4183 Portfolio Presentation The student will develop a professional portfolio with slides, resume, cover letter, and artist statement. JR/SR Standing. (Alternate Years) ART 4413 Contemporary Art History and Criticism A study of contemporary art and art criticism and aesthetics. The class will include describ- ing, interpreting, evaluating, and theorizing contemporary art forms. (Alternate Years) ART 4501, 4502, 4503 Special Topics in Art The student will engage in class instruction, research, and analysis of specific topics with a view to providing a more in depth knowledge and understanding of such areas of concern. Prerequisite: JR/SR Standing. (On Demand) ART 4600 Senior Art Show A capstone experience for Art Majors. ART/COM 4723 Designing for Graphic Customers (Max 12 credits) Advanced training in development and execution of creative strategies and designs based on client needs using multiple software platforms. This can be a repeated class. Prerequisite: ART/COM 1723 (Every Year) ART BUSINESS MAJOR For the bachelor’s degree in Art Business, a student must complete the general require- ments, and electives. Students completing the major would also receive The Entrepreneur- ship and Small Business Management Certificate.
I. Art Business Major A. General Education and Degree Requirements (see p. 48)
52 SH
B. Major Requirements Art Core Classes
27 SH
ART 1013 Drawing Fundamentals or ART1033 – Design Problems ART 1413 Art Appreciation, ART 2413 Studies in Modern Art, ART 4413 Contemporary Art History and Criticism (2 of these) ART/COM 1723 Intro to Graphic Design Photoshop & Illustrator
6 3 3 3 3
ART 4183 Portfolio Presentation (Art Capstone)
ART 2053 Painting I or ART 2063 Ceramics Hand-building ART 3053 Painting II or ART 3063 Ceramics on the Wheel
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