Academic Catalog 2018-2019
Uganda, and England. Through our partnership with CAPA ( students have the opportunity to study in global cities such as Sydney, Buenos Aires, Forence and London and take a variety of courses with faculty members of the cooperating institutions as well as from qualified professors from the host country. Additionally, Bluefield College is aligned with Consortium for Global Education (CGE), which can be found on the web at Through this program students can study abroad in various areas of interest, with short and long-term opportunities, especially as they relate to the learning of the Arabic and Chinese languages. Bluefield College also offers enrichment/learning opportunities through international travel and cultural immersion. Such opportunities are coordinated with academic coursework completed at the main campus in Bluefield. The college is committed to global education and has established an exchange program with Jiangsu Second Normal University in Nanjing, China, whereby Bluefield College faculty and students teach and study in China, and Chinese students and faculty participate in the Bluefield College academic environment. Opportunities for “global” activities are also available through BESTSEMSTER ( in Washington, DC, Los Angeles and Nashville. For current information please go to the Study Abroad Link which can be found under the Academics Tab. RECORDS RETENTION POLICY Bluefield College adheres to the following Records Retention Policy. Official applications, student biographical information, veterans certification forms, official letters, evaluation of transfer credits, official transcripts from other institutions, high school records, AP/CLEP/DSST scores, change of major/advisor forms, confirmation forms, SAT/ACT scores, application for graduation, and copies of grade change forms will be kept for ten years in the student official file. Transcripts, original and computer backup, will be retained permanently. Academic materials such as catalogs, commencement programs, statistics related to degrees, enroll- ment, grades and racial/ethnic matters, and schedules of courses also will be retained per- manently. For applicants who do not enter the College, materials will be held one year, except where government requirements state otherwise. REQUEST FOR ACADEMIC TRANSCRIPTS UNOFFICIAL TRANSCRIPT A student may view his or her academic record and print an unofficial transcript through the student portal (MYBC) on the Bluefield College website. A student may re- quest a printed copy of his or her official transcript by submitting a completed “Academic Transcript Request” form. This form is available on the Bluefield College website and also on MYBC under the Student Tab. No transcript will be processed without this completed form or if there is a departmental hold or an unpaid balance owed to the college. OFFICIAL TRANSCRIPT Current Students To receive an official copy of your transcript, please mail, fax, or drop off in BC Central a completed transcript request form. There is no charge for current students. Please note: No transcript will be processed without this completed form or if there is a departmental hold or an unpaid balance owed to the College. Unprocessed requests and
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