Academic Catalog 2018-2019
OUTCOME ASSESSMENT For the purpose of evaluation of academic programs students may be required, prior to graduation, to take one or more tests designed to measure general education achievement and/or achievement in selected major areas. No minimum score or level of achievement will be used to determine the candidate’s eligibility for graduation. Test results will remain confidential and be used solely for purposes of improvement of the College. HONORS AND AWARDS Graduation Honors Graduation with honors is determined by the overall grade point average on all undergraduate work attempted at any accredited school and on all credit attempted at Bluefield College. Transfer work cannot raise the Bluefield average. In other words, graduation honors are based upon the Bluefield College grade point average or the overall grade point average, whichever is lower. The categories for graduation with honors for baccalaureate degree candidates are listed below: cum laude 3.50 magna cum laude 3.75 summa cum laude 3.90 Honor Program Recognition Students who complete the Honors Program will receive the designation, “Honors in ____,” inscribed on their transcripts and be recognized as first graduates in the Commencement ceremony. President’s List The President’s List is announced after each semester. To be eligible for the President’s List, a student must earn a 3.9 grade point average for that period and carry a course load of 12 hours or more. Dean’s List The Dean’s List is announced at the same time. To be eligible for the Dean’s List, a student must earn a 3.50 grade point average for the period and carry a course load of 12 hours or more. Alpha Chi National Honor Scholarship Society Chartered in the fall of 2000, the Virginia Kappa chapter of Alpha Chi (www. is a national interdisciplinary honor society whose purpose is to promote academic excellence and exemplary character among college students and to honor those who achieve such distinction. Alpha Chi members are elected by the faculty from students who have earned 24 semester hours at Bluefield College, are ranked in the top ten percent of the junior or senior class or online program graduating class (based on cumulative GPA) and have good character. Alpha Chi seeks to find ways to assist students in “making scholarship effective for good.” GLOBAL EDUCATION Bluefield College is a member of the Council for Christian Colleges & Universities and offers semester long study abroad opportunities inAustralia, China, Costa Rica, Jordan,
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