Academic Catalog 2018-2019

I. Theatre Major 1. General Education & Degree Requirements (see p. 48)

51 SH 30 SH

2. Core Studies

(some of these satisfy general education requirements) 3. THR 1413 Theatre Appreciation 4. THR 1023 Acting I

THR 2023 Acting II THR 3013 Stagecraft THR 3023 Directing I THR 4023 Directing II

THR 3053 Theatre History I THR 3063 Theatre History II THR 4033 Survey of Dramatic Literature THR 4053 Senior Project 3. 10 SH THR 1011, 1012, 1013 Theatre Practicum

10 SH 15 SH

4. 15 SH from the following list: THR 2013 Oral Interpretation THR 2033 Stage Makeup THR 2043 Voice and Movement THR 2573 Scene Work THR 3033 Drama in Ministry THR 3043 Children’s Theatre THR 3073 Intro to Stage Design

THR 3123 American Musical Theatre THR 3133 Acting for Musical Theatre THR 3311, 3312, 3313 Internship in Theatre THR 3501, 3502, 3503 Directed Study in Theatre

THR 4063 Script Writing THR 4213 Improvisation THR 4363 Stage Management THR 4503 Special Topics in Theatre 5. Electives

20 SH 126 SH



THR 1023 Acting I A fundamental approach to the art through vocal and physical exercises, theatre games, and improvisations. (Every Year) THR 1031, 1032, 1033 Practicum in Theatre Applied theatre work at the discretion of the instructor (On Demand) THR 1413 Theatre Appreciation Both the historical background and organizational components of theatre are examined within the context of its role as an art form that has influenced mankind since its origins. (Every Year) THR 2013 Oral Interpretation (same as COM 2013) Performance oriented development of skills in oral reading of dramatic literature, prose, and poetry. (Alternate Years)


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