Academic Catalog 2018-2019

SOC 3123 Death and Dying The course provides a sociological assessment of issues of death and dying. It covers so- cial and cultural meanings of death, funeral customs, mortality and morbidity statistics, contemporary issues and modern treatment of dying persons (including hospice), and pro- cesses of grief and bereavement. SOC 3133 Minority Groups in America A broad introduction to the field of race relations in America. Course work includes theo- retical perspectives in intergroup relations, and social psychological elements present in minority-majority interactions. The social history of selected minority group experiences in the U.S. will be studied, along with current issues in American race relations. SOC 3153 Sociology of Work and Occupations This course addresses contemporary work issues including specialization, the impact of the technological revolution, rapidly changing roles of men and women at work, and the evolving nature of the global economy. Critical review of research findings based on stud- ies of work, organizational structure and major occupational categories and worker traits will be emphasized. SOC 3523 Stress Management (same as HEA/PSY 3523) This course examines the physiological, psychological, and interpersonal effects of stress. A variety of healthful coping mechanisms are identified with emphasis placed on students’ developing effective personal coping strategies. SOC 4013 Sociological Theory The course offers students’ knowledge of several major theoretical orientations in the de- velopment of sociology in Europe and America. It will establish linkage between com- peting major theoretical paradigms, past and present, between micro and macro levels of analyses, and between contemporary major theorists and their historical antecedents. SOC 4501, 4502, 4503 Special Topics in Sociology A specialized course of study for qualified students, offered on demand. Prerequisite: JR/ SR Standing. SOC 4701, 4702, 4703 Behavioral Science Internship Senior status and approval of faculty. SPANISH (SPA) See Modern Languages on p. 191. THEATRE (THR) The Bluefield College Theatre Department has a two-fold purpose. First, the department offers classroom training in both the practical performance aspects of theatre and the academic areas of theatre history and dramatic literature. Second, through regularly scheduled theatrical productions, the department provides working, hands-on training for all students. The Theatre major is designed for students who desire a field of study covering traditional theatre, for students seeking a career in the professional theatre or preparing for graduate study in either performance or academic theatre. The Theatre minor may be earned by completing a minimum of 18 hours in Theatre courses. The selection of these courses must include the following: THR 1413, 1023, 3013, 3023.


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