Academic Catalog 2018-2019

MUS 3843 Introduction to Orchestration An introduction to the basics of orchestrating music for instrumental ensembles. Includes proper scoring and production of parts, as well as learning to use notation software. Prereq- uisite: MUS 1623 or permission of the instructor. MUS 3910 Vocal Proficiency Students will receive credit after passing Vocal Proficiency as indicated in the Music De- partment Student Handbook available from the Music Department Chair. Required of all music majors whose primary instrument is piano or organ or whose concentration is Church Music or whose concentration is General Music with teacher licensure (PreK-12 Vocal/Choral endorsement area). Music minors must fulfill this requirement or MUS 1810 Piano Proficiency Level 1. Prerequisite: Instructor’s Permission. MUS 3853 Music Methods and Curriculum PreK-5 A study of contemporary teaching strategies and procedures recommended by Jacques- Dalcroze, Orff, Kodaly, and Comprehensive Musicianship. Includes curriculum develop- ment for general music class, Choral and instrumental ensembles and recorder are also included. Western and Non-Western musical traditional are examined. Prerequisite: MUS 1613, 1623 or Instructor’s Permission. MUS 3863 Music Methods and Curriculum 6-12 A study of contemporary teaching strategies and procedures for choral and instrumental ensembles. Choral arranging techniques, instrumental methods and literature, show choirs and hand bells will also be surveyed. Western and Non-Western musical traditions are ex- amined. Prerequisite: MUS 1613, 1623, 3853 or Instructor’s Permission. MUS 3873 Survey of Modern Band Methodologies and Marching Band Techniques Modern Band Methodologies and Marching Band Techniques will be a comprehensive course covering all aspects of teaching and administering a middle school and high school band program. MUS 3890 Junior Recital Recommended for Applied pedagogy concentrations. Student will prepare thirty minutes of literature from the standard repertoire representing all style periods. For further guide- lines see the Music Student Handbook available from the Music Department Chair. Prereq- uisites: two years applied study at the college level, Instructor’s Permission. MUS 4573 Internship in Church Music Administration A 135 hour internship in an approved area church under the direct supervision of the minis- ter of music. Significant issues will be discussed in weekly class sessions or through online dialogue if internship is taken as a summer course. Prerequisite: MUS 3563 and Instruc- Required for Church Music, General Music and Music Education concentrations. Student will prepare 30 minutes of literature from the standard repertoire representing all style periods. For further guidelines see the Music Student Handbook available from the Music Department Chair. It is recommended that the student complete this course before entering their student teaching or church music practicum. Prerequisites: three years applied study at the college level. MUS 4833 Piano Pedagogy and Practicum The study and application of principles for teaching piano. Includes information and skills needed to establish a private studio. Prerequisite: Instructor’s Permission. tor’s Permission. SR Standing. MUS 4810 Senior Recital I


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